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MINR Mafia Round 4

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always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
seems like a majority has been reached, so i'll just vote myself.
*vote pieceofcheese87


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Don't you think someone that was the glitch would try not to attract attention towards themself? There are people in this game that haven't said a single word yet besides voting and you have no idea if they are the glitch. If were the glitch I know I would try to stay under the radar, which is probably the opposite of what I'm doing


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The funny thing is that if halex isn't a glitch forgot is going to get a lot of attention on himself.

Also, each person plays different. Some people hide when they are the evil, others try to blend with the others, and some even go as far as to manipulate the others to create a blending group.

If Halex is not the glitch, I can't wait to see if the glitches accidentally target each other at the same time XD


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Forgot you have doomed yourself by calling for my death. Once my true identity is revealed you all will regret this rash decision, basing your accusations simply on the first day of nominating. While it is too late for me it seems, I only wish that I could have been given more of a chance. NO REGRETS


Nov 5, 2013
This is gonna be scummy as heck, but since we don't have anything else to go on, hopping on the bandwagon.
*vote halex44
Also a lot of lurking going on...


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
*Vote halex.

And halex, if what you said about glitches not drawing attention to themselves, then I must have proven i'm not a glitch, considering I nominated myself.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*yoink* my apple apple now :p

in all seriousness, though, halex and zath, you guys seem to be taking this FAR too personally. It's just a game, have fun with it. The point of a forum game is for the members of the community to interact more and get a chance to get to know each other more. If you focus too much on the actions, you miss out on the fun of just goofing around in a game.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
sren we're talking about my LIFE here. Do want my children to grow up without a loving father to guide them? Think about it. My son, facing the pressures of high school, has no authority figure to turn to and ends up hanging with the wrong crowd. My daughter, wanting desperately to be noticed and turns to tatoos and piercings. My future children need me! I can't go out like this!


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
(It's been 24 Hours since campfire 1.2 so...)
The group was merciless and hashing out tons of accusations about who they thought had caused Yeroc's death. Eventually, a majority came down on Halex44, who was flung into the netherrack fire. As his corpse caught fire, a golden apple and a mysterious object that appeared to be a black corrupted square fell into the fire.

Halex44, a blue, was thrown into a fire.
With this, one of two corrupt object one's was destroyed.

Convinced that they had slain the glitch, the group happily went to sleep.
After the events of the campfire took place, one of the whities went back to where yeroc had fallen into lava to try and construct a grave for him. As he carefully scaled down to a safe block on the surface, he noticed a strange object that didn't get burned by the lava. He surrounded it in dirt, let it cool and picked it up. It looked like a one of the bows used on the factions server, but instead of being made with wood, it was constructed out of bedrock, and had a strange glow to it. The inscription on the bow read read:
I can kill one person without being detected.
The white drew the bow back, and a mysterious bolt of energy appeared where an arrow would normally be!
Special Event: A whitie found Yeroc's Revenge, a corrupt object 2 that formerly belonged to Yeroc, and corrupt object two can now be used by the players that possess them! Information on the powers of the object and the powers of the whities have been added to the main post.

It is now NIGHT 2
Power Roles please send me your moves in the next 24 hours.
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Neither do I. Even though he happened not to be a glitch, he played that badly. Even after I nominated you at first and gave you a chance to logically defend your position, you continued your plight. Unfortunate we lost the corrupt object, but it's better to follow leads than sit on our bums.

Just because I started accusing halex doesn't mean I'm to blame. Plenty of other people voted for him, and nobody tried defending him or shooting down my ideas.

Quick question, are golden apples used automatically as people attack you, or must they be used manually?


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
They are manual Forgot, you choose when to use it.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
@TheForgottenUser Since you were the one pushing it the most, you'd be the one most likely to take the blame for it and therefore get targeted.

Now I'm curious what the other thing does...


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
I've gotten multiple people asking about this so I'd like to clarify
Item use is MANUAL. You choose when to use them, none of them are automatically used.
The first post was also updated accordingly to try and make this more evident.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
What if we add in a caveat to our moves to say that "if this happens, then I use this"?
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