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MINR Mafia Round 4

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Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
As they group reached the edge of the forest, they could find no way to safely descend, as all they could see for many chunks was lava. Unfortunately, something caused the server's properties to shift, and the trees quickly began catching fire! With no other option, they dug underground. With what little supplies they had, they made and distributed stone pickaxes to begin mining a tunnel towards what they thought was X.

Meanwhile, TheForgottenUser went off to the side to collect more coal for torches, and he noticed his inventory felt heavier than usual.
He checked his bag and saw a golden apple that said "Eat Me" inscribed upon it. Willing to accept the logic written on the apple, he omnomnomed it down and continued with his work.

The group mined for many hundred blocks until they found a cave system. They found and destroyed a mob spawner, and setup fire for the night there. They noticed an opening nearby that they could climb up to once it was safe to return to the surface again.

TheForgottenUser was touched by BOTH glitches, but was saved by a smuggler.

Nominate who you think is the glitch in the next 24 hours


Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013

That's too exploitable
I can easily imagine people saying "If I'm going to die, then I'll eat my apple."

It kinda defeats the purpose of manual use.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, let's look at the data:

active players:
-TheForgottenUser (I_F0rgot)

Based on the events of today, we know for a fact that forgot is not a glitch. We also know that the glitches wanted to remove him, obviously they find his fact-finding actions very scary.

I know that I am not a glitch, but I have no way to prove that to you guys as of yet. Therefore, our likely glitces from the group perspective:


I am slightly suspicious of creeper right now...why would you let the glitches know you have an apple?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Ahahahhaha I'm laughing my butt off right now. I used my apple and both of the glitches attacked me. AND a smuggler saved me. Guess I'm kind of important huh?

Based on what has happened, it's pretty obvious I'm a good guy. To the best of my abilities I have been speaking the truth so far.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
About Benjy:
It's clear whoever the glitches are seem to be active players. This leads me to logically say Benjy isn't a glitch, as he's usually pretty inactive.

About Creeper:
I also think creep is a logical suspect for questioning. He sent me a message last campfire that was essentially milking me for information. Seeing as the glitch would be the only person who would want/need to do that not in the forum, this makes me suspect him strongly. Couple that with him being the first one to point a finger and what sren has been talking about, it looks pretty bad for creep.

I'd like to point out two more things that haven't been mentioned yet that makes me think creep might be a glitch. At least one, if not both of the glitches are out for the blood of better players (Yeroc, our two-time champ, the guy who brought Mafia here originally, etc.) Seeing as this is true, it makes sense that you'd be pointing fingers at these sorts of people to get them killed quicker.

Also, creep has taken an odd sort of interest in me lately. If you head elsewhere on the forums, a lot of my posts seem randomly liked by him, even when I wasn't trying to be funny or get approval. This has only just started to happen, right around the time Mafia started. Seems like he's trying to gain my trust if you ask me.

Hence my reasoning.

To the Power Roles:
Moderators, I suggest whenever you investigate someone and they show up as a passive role, you PM me saying so, as I can say this to everyone else without the fear of being hunted by glitches. You may wish to start with creep and Sren tonight since those two seem to be the most important players at the moment.

Also, glitches, if you plan on pretending to be a Mod by messaging me, realize it'll be pretty obvious you were a liar if I get three PM's or somebody dies as a role you claimed they weren't.

Smugglers, whoever protected me last night, please keep doing so, as I'm our only 100% trustworthy player at the moment. The other smuggler can do whatever the heck they want for all I care.

*NOMINATE creeperTNTman198


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
*Nominate CreeperTNTman198

For all the reasons Forgot has beautifully pointed out 2 posts above this.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
In order to get more than one omnomnomination in the voting pool, I'm going to focus on zath.

My logic: In the last round, you were all for following forgot's plan despite how it was unfair towards the griefers....some might even deem the plan "scummy". You also were highly passive, allowing me to make a lot of your moves for you. This round, you have gone on and on about how people are being "scummy" towards each other. It seems to me quite a large shift in your response to similar stimuli.

*nominate Zatharel


Nov 5, 2013
I'm used to saying scummy, because it's a term in EM for suspicious. You saw what I posted. Why would I vote halex, even tho I know that it will make me seem scummy, or suspicious, as I've noticed you prefer.
By saying that people are scummy, I was referring to the lurkers, or the players who would only post to cast a vote without any input.

I'm going to go with what Forgot said about creeper.
*nominate creeperTNTman


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
See, there's the problem with adabting terminology from one place to another. "scummy" to me reads as something only scum would do (such as abandoning a friend to save yourself), not something that is suspicious (such as looking up how to make a bomb).

as to why you would vote halex, how would it make you look suspicious to vote for someone who is already being voted for? It would have been suspicious if you had voted for forgot, especially since he got double-teamed and had a lucky survival.

Can I just nominate everyone that is on my second list in that post? It will make this that much faster.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
I would love to take this opportunity to say that forgot un nominated me last time for the reason that he believed I WAS NOT a glitch. I also agree with srent that zath's actions with the "scummy" people and his subsequent non action and following of forgot's idea shows someone who is really suspicious. I say that you should give me a chance and have a moderator investigate me tonight. If not, your just killing a blue.

*nominate zatharel
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Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
(I Realize there has been slight changes in when I post. I'm planning to try and update @ 10PM EST when I can)

After much talking, the group realized that the glitch surely had to be one of the following people:
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Killer of Very Large Horses
Oct 27, 2013
*VOTE Nobody

not enough evidence to support lynching someone


Nov 5, 2013
I didn't backstab halex, as you said before. If we would be talking about friendships in a mafia game, no one would ever win. Plus, read back a few pages. I'm not the one who generally pointed at halex, he's the one who pointed at me. After that I defended myself, and you can read the rest.
The whole, "it'll seem suspicious if I vote halex", I said that because:
a) That would make it seem like voting him just because he nominated me.
b) I was following a voting bandwagon.
@creeperTNTman198 AND Srentiln
"Scummy", I repeat, is a term for suspicious I use.
And what I said about the afk players generally means:
a) Not sure if there is anyone new to mafia, but if there is, it's likely they wouldn't know how to act in the game and just keep quiet as a glitch.
b) If there isn't anyone new to mafia, I've noticed there are quite a few people who were afk last game, and turned out to be griefers.

Since the alternative(s) would be voting:
b)jk, who selfvoted for idk why.
I'm just gonna *vote nobody


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
zath, I never said that you back stabbed anyone. I think you're starting to read things far to quickly to get a good idea of what is being said.

half tempted to vote jk just because he nominated himself :p
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