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Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

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Mrs. Coulter

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Mrs Coulter for whatever reason has not substantially participated
Who has? We've been working with practically nothing, and the one solid lead we thought we had was a dead end. Unfortunately, due to life, I've been participating less, but there are people who have only contributed "I have no information" or a vote with the crowd. I provided several potential explanations for the lack of death, as it is the best evidence we have at the moment (granted one was in a dm and the other killed Peregrin). Obviously we've been very unlucky so far, but that doesn't mean random lynching is going to help.

I was shocked to see Peregrin was an innocent, and I can't stop wondering what happened the night of no kills. I think Lystacrl seems innocent, and we know Peregrin to be innocent... could it be that Coulter was the mafia all along?
My guess is still that Watson's death during the day has something to do with the lack of death at night. I think there was some kind of day kill, although as to why that would be used on a passenger is beyond me.

Victor Pritchett

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I don't think she is mafia, honestly. I think it just doesn't look good considering the events of the night. I don't see any other proof leading toward as why we are hanging her. There has been gathered intel that she is innocent. I think this is the wrong choice. We also thought Peregrin to be evil considering the same information, and that wasn't the case. I think it is still better focusing on someone else at this point.

Howard Lovecraft

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Victor, you make a really good point and I definitely don't want to rush into repeating the mistakes of previous nights... I agree that the evidence just isn't here yet to lynch Coulter.

I think rather than all the top contributors suspecting each another, we should consider those trying to fly under the radar. In particular, Ford Prefect's contributions to the thread have been extremely minimal and for the most part, he hasn't expressed a single opinion of his own, just agreeing with the majority and voting along with the majority.

I don't feel comfortable voting Coulter at the moment anymore, so I think I will shift my vote to #vote Prefect

Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Victor Pritchett "We also thought Peregrin to be evil considering the same information, and that wasn't the case."

I didn't. So you got that one wrong, yet you are trying to deflect away from Mrs Coulter, which has been happening for this whole train ride. How about I make you a deal.

You vote for her this time, and I'll vote your way next time? You're last voted sucked anyways, so what do you have to lose? Well, unless you and Coulter are both mafia. Then you'd lose a mafia member....

Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Howard Lovecraft "I think rather than all the top contributors suspecting each another, we should consider those trying to fly under the radar"

I don't suspect the top contributors, I suspect Mrs Coulter, as I have from the start. You speak up and deflect my shot at Mrs Coulter away 11 minutes after Victor Pritchett, with a day left still. That's pretty fast agreement, almost like it was planned ahead of time.

*Arthur Doyle makes a note*


Lord Boreal

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Victor Pritchett "We also thought Peregrin to be evil considering the same information, and that wasn't the case."

I didn't. So you got that one wrong, yet you are trying to deflect away from Mrs Coulter, which has been happening for this whole train ride. How about I make you a deal.

You vote for her this time, and I'll vote your way next time? You're last voted sucked anyways, so what do you have to lose? Well, unless you and Coulter are both mafia. Then you'd lose a mafia member....
What do you think this is? Some sort of guessing game in which we all take turns? The goal here is to judge the evidence and info we have and use it to make the best decision we can. People often come to different conclusions, and most of those conclusions, especially those on who could be mafia, are going to be wrong. People are going to be wrong. A lot. That doesn’t, however, render anybody’s say in the situation automatically invalid.

When a group of people vote for somebody, it’s a joint agreement between all of them that “this person is the most likely to be mafia”. This means that if they’re wrong, they are all equally at fault, regardless if they began the vote or if they simply bandwagoned onto it. Your argument that “you should agree with me because you voted for an innocent” is invalid, because someone shouldn’t suddenly shut up and do what someone else says just because they voted for an innocent. We are going to use the evidence we have and the arguments from everybody, no matter who they voted for in the past, to make the best conclusion.

Howard Lovecraft "I think rather than all the top contributors suspecting each another, we should consider those trying to fly under the radar"

I don't suspect the top contributors, I suspect Mrs Coulter, as I have from the start. You speak up and deflect my shot at Mrs Coulter away 11 minutes after Victor Pritchett, with a day left still. That's pretty fast agreement, almost like it was planned ahead of time.

*Arthur Doyle makes a note*

What even? You really think that Pritchett and Lovecraft are mafia because one of them disagreed with you and someone else responded to them shortly afterwards? You do know that if you’re in the forums and someone makes a post, you immediately receive an alert notice in the bottom-left corner of your screen, right? It’s vastly more likely to be pure coincidence that some mafia scheme. I know we don’t have much to go on at the moment, but that’s just rediculous. The only reason you suspect them is because they disagree with you, as you’ve accused pretty much everybody so far who has. It’s just petty. You’ll probably accuse me again just for making this post and addressing this nonsense.

This time, I think Coulter might be a decent lead, but I am open to other ideas. I’m hesitant to do another silent vote as no mafia member in their right mind would have stayed silent and inactive after all of the warnings the Conductor has given.
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Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Lord Boreal, I actually believe that you are innocent. I'm not likely to accuse you of anything, anytime soon.

Victor Pritchett

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
"Hey, work with me but let me first insult your choices" Maybe attacking me over my choices isn't the best way to get me to cooperate. I don't base my votes on other people's votes. I vote based on what I know and my gut feeling. Also, I do not have the same thoughts, feelings, and intel as I did before this day started. Maybe instead of focusing solely on how people's votes have "sucked", we move on. We have voted with lack of information and lack of activeness thus far, so I don't feel as though we can improve on what has already taken place, we can only learn from it and move forward.

You may not have voted Peregrin, so my comment wasn't directed at you, just in general. I was simply saying that we voted based on the SAME information against Coulter right now and we were wrong. So the chances of voting Coulter based on that (when she has been searched and found innocent) may not be the best idea (though it might not still be the case). I can respect and acknowledge that not everyone here is going to see it the same way. That is completely fine, and I won't yell or insult them for it. I simply stated why I wasn't voting for her. As far as being on a team with people, I have not spoken much to either person but for anyone in this game, teamwork and conversation is necessary for the game to progress. One reason that I was someone that decided to reach out to you when you were stating that no one was. I've talked to you more than I have the other two.

Boreal said this a lot better than I did :/


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I don't suspect the top contributors, I suspect Mrs Coulter, as I have from the start. You speak up and deflect my shot at Mrs Coulter away 11 minutes after Victor Pritchett, with a day left still. That's pretty fast agreement, almost like it was planned ahead of time.

*Arthur Doyle makes a note*

While we have been grasping for straws in order to come to most of our conclusions thus far, I don't really think that posting time is especially relevant. I'm unlikely to believe it's anything other than coincidence, as plenty of posts have happened in rapid succession before, especially when votes are being cast.

As for your comment on making a note of Pritchett and Lovecraft along with Coulter, I think it's quite counterproductive to use scare tactics. Conflicting opinions are essentially what makes this game possible, and I don't think threatening people for dissenting with your thoughts is productive or necessary.

I and others share your frustrations, believe me.

You said it yourself:
I'd rather not be led by others, but rather go with my original guess from Day 1. It can't really hurt to go off script at this point, and I've gotten tired of following the pack. Take a chance and vote with me, or don't. :)
I'd assume Pritchett and Lovecraft feel the same, and would rather come to their own conclusions... Disagreements are inevitable, and necessary if we want to make any real headway, in my opinion at least.

Ford Prefect

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Victor, you make a really good point and I definitely don't want to rush into repeating the mistakes of previous nights... I agree that the evidence just isn't here yet to lynch Coulter.

I think rather than all the top contributors suspecting each another, we should consider those trying to fly under the radar. In particular, Ford Prefect's contributions to the thread have been extremely minimal and for the most part, he hasn't expressed a single opinion of his own, just agreeing with the majority and voting along with the majority.

I don't feel comfortable voting Coulter at the moment anymore, so I think I will shift my vote to #vote Prefect
Well let's not get hasty now. As a matter of fact I do have an opinion, and am not keen on sharing it with everyone. I have held back for a reason. On top of that, just because some is 'flying under the radar' doesn't warrant a lynch on day 4. Maybe on day 1, but absolutely not this far in the game.


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Since the day ends today, here's where we stand right now:

4 votes for Mrs. Coulter [Lystacrl, Arthur Doyle, Lord Boreal, and Robert Blake]
2 votes for Dr. Frankenstein [Dr. Constantine and Meriadoc]
2 votes for Moriarty [Mrs. Coulter and Ford Prefect]
2 votes for Robert Blake [Montalbano and Barton Hepburn]
1 vote for Ford Prefect [Howard Lovecraft]
1 vote for Arthur Doyle [Charles Lindbergh]
1 vote for Lord Boreal [Moriarty]
1 vote for Victor Pritchett [Victor Pritchett]
1 vote for Lystacrl [Dr. Frankenstein]

For anyone who hasn't voted yet and for those who have, this may make things more convenient.


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
No-one is confirmed innocent. As far as I know, there is no role that confirms alignments. We can only deduce, which is less reliable of course.

I will also
#vote coulter

I've noted a few instances where her replies did not make sense from an innocent standpoint. Additionally she's relatively low risk as she's supposedly roleless, and her activity seems to have nosedived.


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
As neither prefect or coulter have substantial evidence against them I would prefer to take no action, for the moment at least.

Also, I have no evidence against Boreal.
#unvote Lord Boreal


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
As neither prefect or coulter have substantial evidence against them I would prefer to take no action, for the moment at least.

Also, I have no evidence against Boreal.
#unvote Lord Boreal
If I remember correctly, you can't remove your randomized vote unless it's moved to someone else, unfortunately.

Charles Lindbergh

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I have contacted Mrs. Coulter a few times and haven’t found evidence of what her allignment is in our messages.
There isn’t significant enough evidence to know anyone’s allignment yet. I agree that some of the things she said in the thread are suspicious. I think the best option right now is to vote Coulter.
#vote Coulter
Does anyone have any ideas as to what Fitzgerald’s “Tracer” role was capable of? We already have Watchers and Trackers (which I assume worked opposite the way Watchers do), so it likely wasn’t a visit-revealing type.
I know what tracer means because I am also a tracer. Tracers are able to choose a passenger every night and see if they have controlled another account. If they have controlled another account, I will be able to see which one.
The only passenger I have checked is Mr. Frtizgerald and he hasn’t used any other accounts. Does anyone have any requests about players that you want me to investigate?

Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
As I see it, my next votes are: Coulter - Lovecraft - Pritchett, if Coulter is Mafia
Same if she doesn't die due to protection
IDK what to do if she's not mafia...lol

If I die, same votes next
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