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- #321

The day was marked with alternating torrents of rain and sunlight. Where the skies had been grey minutes before, the darkness quickly gave way to a clear blue sky. An indication of fortune one might think, until the rain started yet again, giving the passengers aboard the express no time to acclimatise to the weather outside. Furthermore, as the train travelled further north, some passengers were starting to feel a little under the weather.
Lord Boreal was among them. Cursing himself for forgetting to pack him handkerchief, he sniveled as he leaned against the windowpane, taking in the scenery outside whilst the weather permitted it. Reminiscing about today's events, a soft knock on his cabin door disturbed his thoughts. His food had arrived. To his surprise today's dish was rabbit in a stew of thick vegetables. Delicious and nutritious. After finishing said meal, it was time to return to organizing his thoughts.
The day started off with the now regular round of votes. Moriarty and Dr. Frankenstein both seemed to catch the brunt of the votes today. After some confusion what would drive someone to pursue a career as a Tracer, and what they actually did for a living, Arthur Doyle decided to start the day with changing his mind on his idea who is evil, rather than starting off slowly with a cup of coffee and some breakfast. "Mrs. Coulter is surely evil, or abysmal at taking guesses. They have not been very active either. Time to see what this is all about". Others quickly followed suit. Before midday, he managed to convince four other passengers that it was time for her to depart.
Lord Boreal took a sip of his tea, after which he managed to suppress a sneeze. Decided his back needed a change of posture, he laid down sideways and closed his eyes. Soon the memories started rushing in again.
Mrs. Coulter defended herself by saying she has been too occupied to even be involved in any evil organization of any sort. Trying to deflect the suspicion on herself, she also stated that Watson's sudden absence of life has something to do with the situation, and not her. All of this fell on deaf ears, however. Not a person even appeared to have heard a single word of what she uttered. Instead, everyone was focused on the ongoing feud between Arthur Doyle and Lord Boreal, with the former trying to point fingers at, in his eyes, seemed to be a valid connection: "If Mrs. Coulter is evil, then Victor Pritchett and Howard Lovecraft are, as well". This ended up being considered 'grasping at straws' by some of the passengers. With a last-ditch effort to unite the people present, Victor Pritchett explained his reasoning and stressed the importance of not blindly voting but taking in account a lot of different factors.
That said, at the end of the days there were still no other leads, so it was time for Mrs. Coulter to depart from this mortal plane. Or should I say train? They forced open her cabin door, and after a very brief struggle she was overpowered and dragged to the back of the train. Not much you can do against five people and nobody to defend you.
At the end of the day, the vount count was thus:
--- VOTE COUNT ---
[5] Mrs. Coulter - Ford Prefect, Arthur Doyle, Lystacrl, Montalbano, Robert Blake
[2] Dr. Frankenstein - Dr. Constantine, Meriadoc
[1] Lord Boreal - Moriarty
[1] Moriarty - Mrs. Coulter
[1] Meriadoc - Lord Boreal
[1] Victor Pritchett - Victor Pritchett
[1] Lystacrl - Dr. Frankenstein
[1] Arthur Doyle - Charles Lindbergh
Mrs. Coulter, the PASSENGER, has been thrown into a ravine!
lomour, the Mafia PARASITE, has been exorcised!
The phase ends in 48 hours, at 2019/02/10 04:00 am UTC.
Please note that Mrs. Coulter's flip was adjusted shortly after publication due to an error. We apologise for any misunderstandings.

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