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Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

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Mrs. Coulter

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Well there's not really a right/best choice here. We either vote for nobody and have the possibility of RNG death hanging over all of our heads, or throw someone completely arbitrary under the bus—someone who is very likely innocent. We know just about nothing as of right now, so the odds of us killing a mafia member today are about the same as the random kill doing so.
So which should we do: random death or arbitrary lynch? I don't think either one is better than the other right now, as both have about the same odds of nailing a mafia member.
Arbitrary lynch. Deciding what's best for the innocents, even if it's splitting hairs, will always be better than just leaving it to chance. At the very least, by applying pressure we can see people's defenses and how others react to it. I don't think an RNG lynch would lead to a Day 2 that's much different from this.

Ford Prefect

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I agree with Coulter. A random lynch is better than completely random. Hopefully we can find some sort of incriminating evidence.


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I agree with both of you (Coulter and Boreal).

It's ideal to avoid a chance lynch, since leaving the choice purely to randomness leaves us with a greater likelihood of losing an innocent rather than taking out a mafia member. If we can get any incriminating evidence based on what's said during Day One, even though it's difficult to get any conclusive information this early, that's better than leaving it up to a randomly generated kill. If nothing useful is gathered, it'd probably be most effective to do what Mrs. Coulter suggested - focus on the people who aren't posting.

Once again, as Coulter said, relying on an RNG lynch will likely leave us in the same position we're in right now.

Dr. Frankenstein

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
You may only communicate on the forums for now.
I seem to keep getting mail and this is why I haven't responded. I hope I do not appear rude for what I thought was following proper procedure.

Then maybe it's best to open the floor for experiments, so to speak, if we are gaging responsiveness, or lack there of, it's best for everyone who is invested in their futures to speak up even if you have no fingers to point. (I can probably borrow Mr. Ratchett's for you, if that is the case). If we can not come to a decision and are forced to vote for someone that hasn't been active on this tread, it would serve in our benefit as they weren't helpful before.

Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.

Dr. Watson

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
... Indeed, I believe the ideal scenario was explained by Mrs. Coulter. Should we allow random chance to select the dead today, it is most likely for an innocent to die. Indeed, regardless of the magnitude of our suspicions, it is always better to use what little knowledge we have, rather than no knowledge at all.

Dr. Frankenstein

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
I was mistaken about the private mailing. I will respond in due haste, right after I have finished preparing my evening dinner. Sorry for my delay.

Robert Blake

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
With an arbitrary lynch, it is also possible that someone might be able to present evidence in favour of the potential lynch-ee ... so we may be slightly more likely to lynch a mafia member than an innocent, or at least gather potentially valuable information (If someone presents false evidence in favour of someone's innocence, then they are likely mafia)

The Conductor

Jan 9, 2019
As a reminder, do NOT speak about mafia outside of your accounts, especially in zero chat. If you do this you might be killed.

Dr. Frankenstein

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Just because I carried the body away doesn’t mean I am the killer.
Did you get any clues from the scene? Also may I ask about the condition of Mr. Ratchett before and after you carted him away? Are you keeping his body in more chilling environment perchance?

Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Meriadoc, you said that Mrs Coulter said "If nothing useful is gathered, it'd probably be most effective to do what Mrs. Coulter suggested - focus on the people who aren't posting." Your wrong there buddy. Mrs Coulter didn't say to focus on people who aren't posting.

I'm suspicious of you're motive for lying about that.


Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Alright, let's try to get past the fluff.

We're forced to lynch someone today. We have a little over 2 days left to do it. If we can't get any good enough reads by then, we should focus on the people who aren't posting.
Meriadoc, you said that Mrs Coulter said "If nothing useful is gathered, it'd probably be most effective to do what Mrs. Coulter suggested - focus on the people who aren't posting." Your wrong there buddy. Mrs Coulter didn't say to focus on people who aren't posting.

I'm suspicious of you're motive for lying about that.
Mrs. Coulter did say exactly that, as you can see above.

Arthur Doyle

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
My bad Meriadoc. As you can see by my pic I'm old

I'm suspicious of anyone who tries to target someone for not posting. Maybe they want us to target that person so they don't get targeted?

Victor Pritchett

Minr Mafia
Jan 19, 2019
Lynching a silent is only to ensure the most active in the investigation (and therefore the most helpful in gathering info, even if they turn out to be mafia) are not lynched. To investigate the murder we need active participants, and risking losing someone active is against our interests.

If the day comes to a close without any evidence, lynching a silent is the right thing to do.
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