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MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

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Aug 8, 2014
Freak, You have presented us with no evidence of your innocence, at least the others have been neutral.

I think I will agree with Halex and Cory


Until you have proven yourself as not a pirate, I am sorry freak. You are being voted to be thrown out on a four to nil vote


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
#lynch freakworld. Cory seems to be attempting to gather info on people on the ship, so I'll trust him for now


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Sorry for the very long round, but I really didn't want to interrupt the first real discussion in the thread :p

Update will occur after I get back to my apartment (only 1hr and 12min left in the work day lol)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The passengers of the ship are very angry, and they need to vent. They have no idea who this new person is, and like humans throughout history, they start to fear what they do not know. As he is dragged to the airlock, an ID badge falls unnoticed to the ground. As he floats off into space, he curses his luck of surviving his run-in with the pirate fleet on his way to the disabled ship.

As cory starts to walk away from the airlock, confident in his call to action, he finds the ID badge.

Sra-Savern Repair Crew Specialist

It seems that the rescue ship technician fell prey to human nature.

(and because I don't feel like waiting until the end to say this: freak's role was made up on the fly because I wanted to give him a chance to participate despite not being able to be there at the start).
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Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I haven't been piping up much due to work ending for the season in a week and school starting, but I would like to point out that Cory and Freak definitely claim to have had some sort of contact with each other before the lynching. Want to share what exactly went on, @corygolfanatic , in an effort to find out who/what caused the suspicion between you two?

I have some pretty hard evidence that freak is either a pirate or an independent.
Now might be a good time to share this evidence too, since it looks like Freak was innocent.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Freak straight up told me that he was an independent and was getting tired of working with the innocents. Not much else to it. I hope you guys can still trust me, cause I was going with what he told me exactly.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
*awakens from inactivity*
Freak straight up told me that he was an independent and was getting tired of working with the innocents. Not much else to it. I hope you guys can still trust me, cause I was going with what he told me exactly.
You said you had "solid proof" that he wasn't an independent. Claiming to be tired of working with the innocents is pretty far from that, unless you haven't told us the whole story.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
freakworld said:
Cory is trying to waste a gunshot on me but tbh i dont even want to work with the innocents anymore if all i get back is hostility.
There's the evidence that he didn't want to work with the innocents. I already told you that he straight up told me that he was an independent. It doesn't say he was an innocent in his death message. Next time read the posts before you try to call me out.

Oh and here's his role too. So he was an independent.
Received this role AFTER his death.
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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I am reading the posts, you just aren't getting mine.
I have solid proof that he's not an innocent or a guest on the ship.
You claimed that he isn't a guest, yet all else you've said was that he claimed to be one and was reluctant to help the innocents.
For "solid proof", that seems pretty flimsy.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Cory thought it was a good idea to lynch freak because I told him it was. CreepaShadowz told me he had a plan to lynch freakworld right before he died. So I guess blame me not cory.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
I didn't hold any suspicion until now. Sleek's post seems like a last ditch recovery. Why would Cory neglect to mention Sleek's involvement up until now. Previously it has been all "I" and "me", at what point was he going to introduce the "we"? A more in depth answer is needed Cory, including who influenced your moves.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Sleek mentioned to me about Creepa but it was my decision to lynch freak. There really shouldn't be any controversy. Freak was an independent. It neither harms nor helps us.
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