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Minr Mafia 10 Chinatown

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*drags himself in covered in welts* Imma go mining!
*grabs a pick and walks out*


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
Sorry for the poor explaining but you can vote for someone right now. You can vote someone who can talk outside this thread. That means that there will be one person who can talk outside this thread. The other have to either communicate through here or talk that person.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm a bit confused by that...are you saying we must elect a single person who tell you what everyone is doing?


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
no I'll try to explain again. I know it is a bit confusing but the general rule is that no one can talk with each other outside this thread. But there is one person who CAN talk outside this thread. Now it is up to you to vote who that one person will be. Does that make a bit of sense?


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
no I'll try to explain again. I know it is a bit confusing but the general rule is that no one can talk with each other outside this thread. But there is one person who CAN talk outside this thread. Now it is up to you to vote who that one person will be. Does that make a bit of sense?
to be honest



Nov 18, 2013
Alright, so like a game before, we weren't allowed to talk outside of the thread, if you got caught, you're dead. Now this day, we're able to choose ONE person that is allowed to talk outside of the thread, which means that (s)he can scavenge information without everyone knowing, BUT everyone knows that (s)he can talk, so his/her information is likely to be scavenged, but that aspect can also be used to fool, if (s)he is mafia. We can all talk freely with that one person out of the thread, but I assume the talk has to start from the 'chosen one'.

If you manage to get a bond with that person, you are also likely to get his/her information more easily, which allows you to do your 'research'. This person will be key to the gameflow.

Lets say, we have no clue if we're going to choose a mafia. If we do, we are in serious trouble.

It's best to choose someone that actually does something with this ability.


Nov 5, 2013
Alright, now I understand.
So we're supposed to pick someone who can generally boost the innocent team's chances if (s)he is innocent, but also someone who won't give mafia too much of a lead if (s)he is mafia.

I nominate (not voting, just suggesting) two of the obvious choices:
srentiln - Always strong in the game, although may screw us all over if mafia
Forgot - The same as sren.

Like I said, I am not voting for any of these two, I'm just saying that they can be good candidates.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Oh okay so the voted person is allowed to converse via pm/anything else

and only for that phase, right? or forever?


Nov 18, 2013
Forever, when he dies a new one will be chosen iirc from the main post.
I hope.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
even though sren is pretty logical and is a good player, i don;t think he'd be good for this role.

As far as i can tell, sren hardly talks about this game outside the thread, which would kinda defeat the purpose of being able to talk outside the thread. Forgot on the other hand i know from personal experience, talks a lot outside the thread. I'll leave it at that but i can go into my detail if needed


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, so here's my suggestion for this part:

if we told JUST the sheriff nominate the deputy (since the sheriff knows the deputy), then we'd potentially learn mafia members because if they tried to impersonate the sheriff, the real one would know them right away. We also would know 100% that the talker is safe for us.

However, this would also tell the mafia who two of our power roles are, and therefore is a super high-risk strategy.

Additionally, though, the deputy would most likely be safe for a few rounds because he is the only way to gain information about the other three power roles and the guard could potentially save him from attack.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Just a warning going with sren's idea, a mafia member could pretend to be the sheriff and call out the real sheriff as a "fake" and manipulate us into killing the real sheriff


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Just a warning going with sren's idea, a mafia member could pretend to be the sheriff and call out the real sheriff as a "fake" and manipulate us into killing the real sheriff
True, but once the sheriff died, it would then be obvious that the counterclaimer lied and he/she would be exposed. As a whole, though, I'm still against revealing two of our power roles as part of the plan, especially since the scenario I just described probably wouldn't happen. It would be pretty careless for a mafia player to put him/herself in a situation like that unless the team was in immediate danger from the sheriff.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
suggestion was probably the wrong term, but oh well. My main point was that we had a strong way to guarantee the voice was innocent, but it did have a very high cost/risk.

I would push for someone other than me be elected for one simple reason: I have never been strong at information gathering.
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