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MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Nothing of interest has happened to me so far. Not very helpful, but better than not talking :/
Also, the wording of "harder to breathe" instead of "impossible to breathe" makes me think that the air is on partial.


Jan 19, 2015
Well Creeper, there's a few thing I thought up.
Firstly, we all agree there's most likely a captain role, but maybe knocked out for a few rounds.
Secondly, there's been a lot of partials, and due to normal physics and that things don't repair themselves, there's probably a mechanic somewhere onboard that fixes those things.
Thirdly, while still a somewhat stretch, there is the possibility of someone who knows where the other ships are (while not the most useful role, it will probably come to play later).
Fourthly, that was a mistake Creeper. I meant to type "we don't really know any roles"


Nov 2, 2013
I'm back through my week of torture. Creeper have you tried talking to anyone outside of the thread.


Jan 19, 2015
I like how the ship is going to kill you if you have a weapon without proper authentication.
Let!s hope it doesn't kill people if it defects


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The air was getting thinner and thinner. Passengers throughout the ship could hear the ventilation systems kicking on and off as they tried to compensate. The voice came on again:

Warning! Passengers IanAnth66, Spontida, Creeper2685, and Pieceofcheese87 are in areas of unstable oxygen supply. Please evacuate your areas for your own safety.

A few moments later, the voice comes back on:

Passenger IanAnth66 life signs no longer detected.

A few people run to where the ship last indicated Ian to be at and find his body on the ground. As they pick him up, they notice a piece of paper fall out of his pocket that reads:

"Disable that ship by any means necessary. If you fail, we'll show you just how much more painful a keelhauling is in space!"

IanANth66 the Pirate Sapper has died.
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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Pirate Sapper...

Triggers memories from TF2.

"A spy is sapping my sentry!"

He must have been sapping the life support.

EDIT: My prediction was right, there was a sapper.

EDIT 2: @ElectroUnderwear What's with the troll rating?
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Nov 5, 2013
Pirate dead and not a finger lifted by anyone (as far as I'm aware). This is getting interesting.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Historically, in medieval times a sapper was a person in seig warfare who dug tubnels under castle walls with the purpose of causing the wallsto collapse when the supports in the tunnels were burned away.

In this game, a sapper is a saboteur.
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