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Minr Mafia 5: Bounties

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Nov 5, 2013
Take your time to get well then. It's not like we're going anywhere.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, due to some oopsies (aka I forgot to write that part of the code in the first place) I am making the following changes:
  • Everyone will just have a sword.
  • The potion of invisibility and name tag items will not be included.
Considering this is basically an alpha run of this automation code, I think it would be better to make sure it runs well than take the time to code in the special conditions.

I was also considering removing two of the roles, but they have been saved by the amount of time I spent coding in their factors.

The final list of participants:
  • srentiln (I am the host this time after all)
  1. freak
  2. henni
  3. ricky
  4. jelly
  5. creeper
  6. distinct
  7. c_dric (I was pleasantly surprised here)
  8. cory
  9. jag
  10. yeroc
  11. forgot
  12. zath
  13. electro
  14. halex
  15. HC
  16. Spon
  17. cheese

If you are no longer able to participate due to the long delay, please let me know before tomorrow. Tomorrow (Sunday) I will be sending you all PM's with the link and your password. Your username will be the same as your minecraft name unless your forum name is shorter (because 1) I'm lazy like that and 2) it reduces how much of my limited space I use up, heh).


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay guys, so some more irritation...this has been the most delayed round so far and probably will continue to be. I went to set up the passwords and it's trying to tell me that I don't have permission to edit the database. I am trying to get in contact with my host to sort the problem out. Your continued patience is very much appreciated.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay guys, link and passwords have been sent out. If you did not get a pm from me, then I didn't see you signing up to join in this thread. I will be running the script to auto-assign roles and targets in an hour or two. I am giving the code one final look over to try to avoid any problems.

The original post has been edited to reflect changes I have made. I plan on running the end of round script every other day when I get home from work (~5:00 PM PST (GMT - 8)). This time span is subject to change. This is the order that your actions are executed in:
  1. attacks and special items
  2. identifications
  3. special events
  4. movement
If you attack someone, your attack will hit, even if you die the same round. I will post information on special events and deaths as they happen in this thread. You will only receive the emeralds if you kill your target. Your target could be a member of your own team, and no one knows who is on what side except for themselves. You can take the risk of trying to team up if you wish, but you will not have anything but the other person's word to go on.

I only know three pieces of information going in to this:
  • who is playing
  • your passwords (since I set them)
  • your starting locations
If for some reason the code fails and I can't fix it within a day, I will manually run the round. This means that I will know everything, but I will also no long be attacking or moving around the map. It will also mean that the win condition changes to whichever team is left standing.


Nov 18, 2013
Nice going sren!
Will the day start immediately after you set everything up? (In other words: do I still have 9 hours to play the first day?)
GL HF Everyone!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
When I run the script, you have until Monday evening for the first "day".

So far, two people have had issues with the login page. I have switched to older php functions to correct the problem. If you get any errors, please post the exact error message it gives you.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Can't login at all. Password doesn't work? Just keeps saying "Login failed, redirecting to login page." then doesn't actually do anything


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
this never happened to me before with this login script, I don't know why it's giving me a hard time now.

edit: for some reason it isn't actually connecting to the database
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Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
sren, just FYI, when I use my password, it does the same thing as it does to jk, but if i don't use a password it says "Login successful, reditrecting to action page." and then does nothing


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I fixed the login, but now EVERYTHING else has broken -.- I'm going to start this off manually and if I manage to fix it I'll ask you guys if you want to switch to the automated system. This makes it so my plans don't work quite the same, but oh well.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I figured out how to log on. You have to actually hit submit. Enter key doesn't work.

EDIT: All you plebs are going down this round.
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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
I can login, the page is filled with Error Messages tho.

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/ck9/public_html/minr/action.php on line 151
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ck9/public_html/minr/action.php on line 197
Warning: mysqli_close() [function.mysqli-close]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/ck9/public_html/minr/check.php on line 37


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay guys, I'm sorry, but I refuse to let this code beat me. Forgot, if you're ready let's switch rounds and I'll sit out while I work on getting this to function again. For some reason, inputting the players broke everything and I'll be damned if I'm going to be beaten by my own script.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Uh, if you guys don't mind, I could also take this round, since I am next in the list anyways. I would just need a few days setting everything up.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Whomever is next on the list, I thought it was forgot because he brought up the suggestion the other day when I thought I almost had the code working.

I am completely re-writing the code for this using the same format I used when I was coding a forum system this time. I know for a fact that everything worked in that, even when I made a test account. I estimate that the recode itself will take me all of this week. Debugging, though, could take the rest of February. I've made you guys wait through too many delays as it is.
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