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Minr Mafia 5: Bounties

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, tell you guys what. Let's have freak start prepping his round's stuff. If by Thursday I don't have this working, freak and I switch rounds and I sit out so I can put more focus on debugging. If I manage to get it working properly by Thursday, freak will at the very least have his round's ideas set up and ready so he can start as soon as he wants. This sound like a good plan?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Well Freak, I'm ready at this very moment, which is why I had offered to switch. I didn't know if you were ready or not. If you will be ready shortly, please indicate so. If you are not, I'm happy to start my little game.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, if you guys haven't lost all patience with me, I'm 99% done with the recode and testing. There is a single feature that I can't get to work, which is annoying, but it is not crucial to the overall code. I am hoping c_dric might know enough about javascript to help me solve it.

If you still wish to play after all my delays, please sign up here:


You will select your own password. I will not know ANY of your information. Please do not make any actions until the actual start. I need to wait until people are signed up to give everyone their targets (again, i will not know who your target is).

As the round progresses, I will be playing with adding new features (such as eating your food to heal :p) and some formatting stuff to make it look nicer.


Nov 18, 2013
Hahaha genious:"
"What? Why the heck am I getting this page? Oh, wait, I'm not, you are. Ha ha, you suck at typing and at finding pages! OR, I just am too lazy to make the page yet. No, don't get up, there's no need to throw a chair at your computer. Just follow these steps very carefully. Move your mouse to the back button. You can do it, come on. There, now that it's there, click. Click already! You are so lucky that I can't throw anything at you right now...CLICK THE BUTTON! Fine then, stay here, I'm leaving..."


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
okay, I need more information than that...

Are you trying to register?
are you trying to log in?
is it at the player interface page trying to perform actions (despite me requesting people not do that until I say the round has started)?

It is important for me to know where it is because it is one of two things:
1) I typo'd on a page name in the code and somehow missed it during my tests
2) the page is in the wrong location and I need to move it.


Nov 18, 2013
okay, I need more information than that...

Are you trying to register?
are you trying to log in?
is it at the player interface page trying to perform actions (despite me requesting people not do that until I say the round has started)?

It is important for me to know where it is because it is one of two things:
1) I typo'd on a page name in the code and somehow missed it during my tests
2) the page is in the wrong location and I need to move it.
It is at the player interface page trying to perform actions (despite me requesting people not do that until I say the round has started)?

I used wait, and then moved to this thread and found out you said don't do anything. My excuses:)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, then it is most likely looking in the wrong directory. I'll fix that when I try to track down what is causing jag to get errors all of a sudden. The start of the round will be Sunday (I'm organizing a Game Day for the Outpost 2 community tomorrow). If you guys could double-check that you are not getting PHP errors on the user interface today, I would appreciate it.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
LOL, I don't even need to look at the code:

Last night, I figured "everyone must have registered by now" so I long-commented the code (in php, there are short comments marked by "//" at the start of the line and long comments marked by "/*" at the beginning and "*/" at the end). I must have missed the ending slash. I'll re-open the registration page tonight, but you only have until the round actually starts to sign up.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Round has begun, registration page is closed.

Special notes:

  • Unless I forgot to not implement the number-role translation yet, you will not know your role until then end of this first cycle.
  • there are 3 weapons: sword, bow, and tnt. All have infinite uses
    • tnt has 4 hits (balanced by the next note)
  • when you attack at random, you have a chance of hitting yourself
    • even with a targeted attack, 3 of the tnt hits are random (which means you potentially could hit yourself 4 times)


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Got an error:

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /home/ck9/public_html/minr/recoded/action.php on line 22

Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /home/ck9/public_html/minr/recoded/action.php on line 22


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
pm me your selected actions, I need to test a theory as to why that error is occuring
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