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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*braces for the impending storm*

Seriously, though, Link in minecraft? WTF?


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013






Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
K guys lets think here. Sren just advocated that whole time about how its not him but its really halex and look where that got us. We need to stop falling for srens BS and start to think with our heads.

rMe and forgot put up so much evidence against him and barely any was put up against halex and 5 of you voted for halex. Piece you're starting to look fishy as well.

Think it through. Sren's been just going though each and every quote and just ripping them up. He's not actually presented all that much against our attacks on him. How many of you honestly read all of what sren had to say in those responses?

With all that i hope next day you will all vote for sren
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always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I am 90% sure that both sren and I are innocent. You guys are all targeting one person, but perhaps behind your backs is a mafia.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, if you guys REALLY want to do it that way, fine:

Let us look at the true facts here:

1) the main argument distinct and forgot use against me is a plan that I had realized was a bad idea and didn't push any further BEFORE anyone got hurt. Meanwhile, Forgot is the direct cause of the deaths of THREE innocents and he's permitted to just waive them off as if it was nothing without people constantly trying to use that as a smear campaign against him. Additionally, both halex and distinct chose not to rescind their votes against spon when forgot was "satisfied" by spon showing some activity.

2) while halex did not turn out to be mafia as I had hoped, HE WAS NOT AN INNOCENT. My suspicion of him, while not resulting how I had anticipated, turned out to be well aligned The independent win condition, as any of you can look back and see:
Win Condition: Survive until the end of the game!
No direct alignment, no reason to side one way or the other, just survive. Let's think about the implications of this end game condition:
If he chooses to side with the innocents, he suddenly has to do a lot of work and carefully select his targets. However, choosing to side with the mafia means it doesn't matter who he kills. I would say his actions this round support the idea he chose the latter rather than the former, choosing to hop on the band wagon voting off whomever forgot and dis claimed was the best choice.

3) my avocation this entire round has been aimed at finding more evidence before killing someone.

4) EVERY time I try to put us back on track to finding actual evidence, forgot calls bs and outright ignores me.

Why did 5 of us vote for halex? Because we each strongly felt that he was likely to be mafia. Because of yeroc, I started doubting my reasons and revoked my vote. Just as because of yeroc's willingness to answer my request for him to address my concerns made me doubt my feelings towards him as a threat.

You claim I'm spouting BS? Nothing I've said is bull. I have stated facts, pure and simple. Those quotes that I have "gone through and ripped up" as you put it were just constant repetition of the same none sense. Forgot's entire argument against me is founded on the idea of painting me as "fishy" because I had a single bad idea that I chose to try to put behind us because it was a bad idea. He makes claims of me "contradicting" myself when anyone who actually took the time to read what I wrote can clearly see that no contradiction exists. He further has the gall to accuse me of the VERY thing he has been guilty of multiple times when most people would realize it for what it actually is.

And why is he so determined to paint me as mafia? By his own words:
I'm actually going to be kind of disappointed if you're not Mafia. I was oh so sure that you were before, but you seem to have most everyone else convinced now. I'll lay off for a bit and just watch for now, clearly you all know things I don't. But that doesn't mean I trust you by a longshot. You and piece are still way up on my suspicions list.
He is clinging on to the idea because he's "oh so sure" I'm mafia, just like he was oh so sure that someone who isn't talking in the thread can't possibly do us any good.

Another point he brought up has me wondering quite a bit

tbh, I'm rather surprised you're the only one who has called me on the fact that it's still possible I can be Mafia. I am innocent, but everyone else seems to instantly trust me just because I said the entirety of my role PM.

So: I'll lay off and observe for a little bit, and just hope you all are actually onto something.
Now, why even bother saying that you posted your entire role pm? Most people wouldn't include that part, because it is outright implied by your argument that my attempts to withhold information are proof against me. Furthermore, why is it that none of the other active participants of the in-thread discussion have seemed to pick up on that? Until a person is dead there is no definitive proof which side they are on, so why are so many people willing to just accept that the person who has been the most reckless and caused the most harm so far is telling the truth?

As to your arguments Dis? You claim that I have to be lying because some people you talked to in private conversation CLAIM that their role pm started differently than mine. Hear-say at best! Your only other argument is to take what I said made me feel yeroc was a threat and claim it fits me as well. No actual justifications, and an instant vote against me. I fail to see any true evidence.

If I had to guess, I would say you two are truly the ones out to "remove powerful players" as you put the claim against me. To what end? I don't claim to know. It is fully possible that you are just doing what you claim to be, just as it is fully possible that you both are working towards the mafia end of things. However, unlike you two, I will not go and encourage others to vote-pile the way you both have done.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Sren. Smaller paragraphs. PLEASE.

I'll respond when I have a moment to think about everything that's just happened, but it's a lot easier when you post with brevity.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Point one: Two, and I rescinded my vote against Spondita anyways. I said that I wanted a reaction out of him with my first post. The only person I've killed was ricky, but I had good reason to do what I was doing.

Point two: I'd beg to differ. With his power, he could've gone on a murder spree, but he didn't. He was helping the town. As an independent role, it makes sense hae wasn't PM'd a list of Mafia/Innocents, so it makes perfect sense that he was deciding to vote on people he found suspicious via thread information.

Point three: You wanted to kill yeroc, and murdered halex on practically nothing.

Point four: You're accusing me of suspecting you even though this is exactly what you did to halex. That's a contradiction. AGAIN. SEE? RIGHT HERE! I'M NOT BLIND PEOPLE.

Point Five: Because that's exactly why they're trusting me? I didn't bribe them or show them my Role PM, so that's the only clear reason... I'm guessing they're all trusting me because I'm the only one who's really been coming up with ideas for us. I've got a suggested strategy, and had us fill out the list of locations. Nobody else has been doing this stuff.

Point five: You JUST said your role was weak. So which is it? If this was me, I'd just start killing the smart people. If that left me, I'd just have my team kill me off and paint me evil so they are trusted more. I've played these games before, and you don't go after inactives and inexperienced players first unless you're afraid to get caught.

Again, please make your responses shorter. I'm fine with an argument, but it becomes a pain when it's 10 large paragraphs.
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The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Hi guys! Me here!

Why I'm not posting:

IB physics

Getting caught in this weird manipulation of posts. I'm not surprised some hasn't said something along the lines of "That makes you a communist" or something.

So yeah. Hey.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Point one: Two, and I rescinded my vote against Spondita anyways. I said that I wanted a reaction out of him with my first post. The only person I've killed was ricky, but I had good reason to do what I was doing.
Spon's death was caused by you starting the pile, so three

Point two: I'd beg to differ. With his power, he could've gone on a murder spree, but he didn't. He was helping the town. As an independent role, it makes sense hae wasn't PM'd a list of Mafia/Innocents, so it makes perfect sense that he was deciding to vote on people he found suspicious via thread information.
and all it would have taken is for one mafia finding him and convincing him. Staying of his blade then could be argued to partially be because of this pointless argument that YOU started. Why bother killing people and drawing attention away from the center ring attraction?

Point three: You wanted to kill yeroc, and murdered halex on practically nothing.
there you go again putting the same words in my mouth. For the five billionth time, I WAS NOT trying to kill yeroc. As I stated, I felt yeroc was a large threat and I stated why I thought he was a threat. My only intention in doing so was to have him give some kind of reason as to why I should trust him.

Point four: You're accusing me of suspecting you even though this is exactly what you did to halex. That's a contradiction. AGAIN. SEE? RIGHT HERE! I'M NOT BLIND PEOPLE.
No, I'm accusing you of bringing up the same tired points that other people have plainly agreed were explained rationally and calling my words gibberish. With halex, I was contacted by bstrey, we exchanged information, and from the information gained and the way halex reacted toward my statement of the situation, I felt I had justification in the idea he was mafia. While I was wrong about him being mafia, i was correct in the idea that he was not an innocent.

Point Five: Because that's exactly why they're trusting me? I didn't bribe them or show them my Role PM, so that's the only clear reason... I'm guessing they're all trusting me because I'm the only one who's really been coming up with ideas for us. I've got a suggested strategy, and had us fill out the list of locations. Nobody else has been doing this stuff.
that's like believing a stone keeps lions away just because you don't see any lions around. If people are that blind to the fact that your alignment isn't proven yet either, then i weep for what little chance the innocents have this round.

Point five: You JUST said your role was weak. So which is it? If this was me, I'd just start killing the smart people. If that left me, I'd just have my team kill me off and paint me evil so they are trusted more. I've played these games before, and you don't go after inactives and inexperienced players first unless you're afraid to get caught.
so then why have you done that very thing?

Again, please make your responses shorter. I'm fine with an argument, but it becomes a pain when it's 10 large paragraphs.
If you can't handle the length, then quit beating a dead horse.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Two then... who was my third kill? Ricky makes sense, and Spont is justified, but who else? That's it so far as I'm aware of.

I'll agree to disagree on this one. He should have just taken advantage of it had he wanted to.

Nah, it's like having the stone tell you how to avoid lions too. I'm not just sitting here twiddling my fingers. The stone's been trusted so far because it has done its work.

I don't follow. I'm not doing it because I'm not in the Mafia.

I can and have been reading them, you just make it an unnecessary pain. Why write a paragraph when a sentence will suffice?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Two then... who was my third kill? Ricky makes sense, and Spont is justified, but who else? That's it so far as I'm aware of.w
Okay, you have me there, just went back and re-read and realized that was thinking incorrectly that ricky's death was separate from the fire storm kill

I'll agree to disagree on this one. He should have just taken advantage of it had he wanted to.
A matter of personal opinion in risk management, but I'll concede that discussing this further will just be arguing a moot point further.

Nah, it's like having the stone tell you how to avoid lions too. I'm not just sitting here twiddling my fingers. The stone's been trusted so far because it has done its work.
No, the stone has thrown itself, killed two innocents, shrugged it off, and accused the pebble of being a lion.

I don't follow. I'm not doing it because I'm not in the Mafia.
you don't go after inactives and inexperienced players first unless you're afraid to get caught
you went after inactives first, proof of point, spont. Just because you claimed it was to get a response from him and you later rescinded your vote does not mean that you did not do it.

I can and have been reading them, you just make it an unnecessary pain. Why write a paragraph when a sentence will suffice?
My causing of an "unnecessary pain" has been the result of your causing an equally "unnecessary pain".

Forgot, we could argue like this back and forth until we're blue in the face. Personally, I'd rather spend my idle mental resources deducing who is mafia instead of trying to make you realize the fallacies in your arguments against me while at the same time trying to figure out why Dis would make bold claims when the readable evidence speaks against him. Can we PLEASE put focus back on to coming up with an actual plan instead of this pointless bickering?


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Night 3...
Time to deliver the plot element that everybody has been expecting!

Location #11, Termina has been crushed by a large moon! Unfortunately (?) nobody has been killed!

But something else has also happened...

Location: Aqueous
Time: Night

Pieceofcheese was camping at Aqueous. His plan of filling the server up with turrets was not going so well. Other engieers were not in sight, save a medic.
"Ugh it's one of those games again dammit.", he said, while calmly placing down a teleporter. Suddenly, he saw a figure jumping along the fence on the building across of him.
"Hey who is there? You don't have to hide! Trust me, I'm an Engineer!"
Upon these words, the figure began laughing hysterically.
He still continued to laugh even as the dead body of Piece was sinking down to the ground....

Pieceofcheese has been killed by the Mafia! He was the Innocent Engineer!

you are the Innocent Engineer. On Night 1, you have the power to place a turret on one location, causing anyone who is at that location to be roleblocked. This turret lasts only for that night. At night 2, you will able to place a regenerator at any location. All the players at that location will be healed of any status ailments they currently have. At Night 3, you have the power to place a teleporter at 2 locations, making one random player on that location swap with another random player of the other location. After this the cycle repeats.

Night 1: Turret, causes Roleblocking on people.
Night 2: Regenerator, heals people.
Night 3: Teleporter, makes 2 players swap locations.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
A Teleporter has been placed at Aqueous... But where does it lead to?

Something else has happened! It started raining. You may NOT visit locations this phase.


It is now Day 4! You may now send in locations, and vote players out. The weather is rainy! Results will follow shortly. (Note: for the rest of this game the turrets etc. will stay where they are.)


(I was totally not paid by yeroc for using this song.)


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013

Something else has happened! Halex has been revived! He is still Link, the Independant Townie!


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
And now, let the downfall of the mafia commence!

Last time I brought this name up, it was merely to point out that I felt him to be a threat and try to get him to talk enough to gain a feel on him. Now, I present information that has lead me to conclude that my suspicions were indeed justified!

When forgot and dis decided to gang up on me, two names came up instantly to defend me: one who shared my suspicion and one whom it was directed towards. As a result of the shaky trust that was forged, I was provided three names through a third party, one of which lead to the death of our independent. Upon that death, I thought back on some of my conversations.

First, there was the one with bstrey in which I was provided the names. She was so sure of all the people she had collected information on except for zatharel. I discussed this information with yeroc and asked if there was anyone in particular he thought should be targeted first, to which he basically replied that he wanted to keep his hands clean of this.

Next, I thought back to our discussion in which he claimed to be a role with a special ability that would only show on day 5. There, he claimed to be staying out of public chat to avoid suspicion.

At first glance, this all seems legit, but then I thought about it. Giving advice in private has no chance of bringing suspicion on to him. So why did he want to keep his hands clean of it?

Then there was piece. He was the first one to say he believed I was innocent. Why was he so sure?

I devised a much better plan than my first one: a trap to see who would betray me given a good opportunity. I brought both yeroc and piece into a private conversation and, to avoid them catching on, started talking about a suspicion involving forgot. Yes, it was a true suspicion I had, but it had a lot less footing to it in my opinion. After letting this stew for a while, I said that I would be poisoning jelly that night.

Now, why jelly? He has remained neutral this entire time, which makes him ideal for the trap. The last of the three names presented to me, dis, already made up his mind about me and definitely would not have listened to me when I went to explain the trap. But jelly? He did not seem to have formed an opinion, and the fact that he was one of the three listed meant that he was not likely to have aligned to anyone else. I could easily trade information with him to discover the devil in disguise.

And that is precisely what happened. Yeroc contacted jelly to warn him of my impending attack. However, it didn't go so well:

Info for info. You can trust me.

I was informed by yeroc that you, bstrey, piece, and I_forgot were thinking of lynching me because I've been keeping my distance. I don't trust yeroc because he was too pushy with what role I am. I don't trust bstrey because she was too open with what role she was. She also refused to tell me who she was talking to, while you and yeroc were very open about it.

Also, while bstrey made one reason to want to lynch me, yeroc had another, hence my reason for messaging you. Comparing info to figure out what is correct.
Yeroc is crafty, he can gain trust very easily and pull the wool over your eyes. Not this time, though. You've told me it's raining, but I can clearly see that it's just you taking a leek. Even if it results in BOTH of us being lynched this round, I'm going to do my best to remove the deceiver before he tries to make his flock drink the Kool-Aid.

#Vote Yeroc424
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
I myself have had my own suspicions about yeroc. Multiple people have told me of his interrogations and role trickery. Sorry yeroc, we're desperate. Someone's gotta die.

#VOTE: Yeroc424
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