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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Oh, so this basically due to what I told jkjkelly?

Unless someone's been holding out, I don't think anyone really had info on him. I figured out he's not afk because Freak hasn't killed him yet. So he's been quiet, much more so than some other players (piece, myself, cory, bstrey, etc) in the thread. And that's fine.

Of course, I was very curious to what role he had. There are still three mafia out there, and I STILL don't have a strong grasp! I have one person that I specifically think is mafia, but more on that later. To me, jkjk could easily be a member of the mafia that is letting the other members do his bidding. I wasn't sure of this, and so last night I Skype messaged him when I got the chance. The conversation was short. He told me to think of him as "Jesus" or some other god, and that we are not supposed to lynch him. He told me he was staying out of the forum war so he would not be pinpointed. And to me, he justified his quietness. That's just a good strategy on his part. I couldn't get any info on whether he was good, bad, or independent, but my assumption was the third. He seems not to care what's going on, and he isn't siding with anyone. All he's concerned about is himself surviving. If his win condition is that of halex', then he really does not need to get himself involved. So I decided not to pursue him.

I asked what he wanted out of me. He said he wanted to know those who have the thoughts to possibly take him out. And so I gave him the list of the four people I talk with the most. I found it fair, he gave me a little bit of info on himself (although I have to put that together yet) and I gave him some of the people I speak to. That's all that happened.

As for why I want to "keep my hands clean" of the forums is that it's become a total shitshow. All the stuff going between sren, I_F and halex was just a bunch of massive crap - moreso from certain people than others. I couldn't assume any of them were innocent off the bat, but I know a bad argument when I see one. And when there are equal odds that the people participating could be mafia or innocent, then there are still higher odds of the lynched being a good person. Of course I would object to anything that isn't that well thought out.

To me, I found two groups that could be associated with the mafia: Sren/piece and I_F/halex/distinct. Due to some of the shoddy arguments on the I_F side, I thought that they were less logical and more baseless attacks typical of the mafia. And so I talked more and more with srentiln to try to understand what was going on with that other group.

The day before halex was lynched, I re-read the rules of Freak's first post and noticed there could be independent members. Since the mafia were doing so well, I thought that one or two of them may have sided with the mafia. I actually thought I_F was an innocent being controlled by dist and halex. When halex was lynched, he was revealed to be independent. So at the time, I thought I still could be right about the mafia using an independent.

My most recent line of thought was that we should get rid of dist, but somehow halex is back. I still believe him to be aligned with the mafia. Halex told me and others that he got a sword for visiting Termina, and now he can kill somebody. Also, the mafia has an unknown gunman. So if I don't die today, there's a chance that I die tonight anyways.

Sren, I'm not entirely seeing how your data lines up to make me mafia, but I could be reading it wrong. Hopefully this clarifies something, and if not, I tried. If nothing else works, I ask you to please listen to and understand what I say here.

Knowing a specific member that can kill me tonight if I survive the day,
Vote: Halex

"Sorry yeroc, we're desperate. Someone's gotta die."
Halex, somebody has to die, but saying someone just because people before you voted does not justify your actions. And you're not desperate, why would you be if you're independent and everyone knows it? All you have to do is convince both sides to leave you alone and stay out of this. You're clearly aligned.
Regarding this game in general:

"I myself have had my own suspicions about yeroc. Multiple people have told me of his interrogations and role trickery."

This is entire bullshit. I am not going to be playing the next round, simply because there are too many players that treat me as a consistent threat just because they remember or even hear how I played from my first rounds. Lemme guess, did you recall sren's arguments when he first question me? I covered those quite well, as EVERYONE pointed out. Don't blame me for being me. I try to adapt every round, but eventually people just get to know you for being you. Can we prevent this? Not really. Hopefully taking a break will let the players consider others. I'm sorry to the next round leader; it will probably be a great game.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Sren, I'm not entirely seeing how your data lines up to make me mafia, but I could be reading it wrong. Hopefully this clarifies something, and if not, I tried. If nothing else works, I ask you to please listen to and understand what I say here.
That's because I've been waiting for you to post to provide the final piece. Yeroc, next time tell creeper to keep his mouth shut. When he assumed halex was dead and out, he couldn't help but to brag and give him all the info you guys had accumulated.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Funny you say that, I had to tell creeper a couple of times to back off people and give them space.
No surprise he spills everything to a dead man who actually would come back.
Alright, it was fun, cya! And fuck you creeper!


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Although, it is interesting to point out I've been mafia the majority of the games I've played (3 out of 5)

And that in itself is stupid.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Yeah it gives you a bad rap :( honestly though yeroc, you did a fantastic job. If it wasn't for that little spill you guys would have had the W for sure. Thanks for a good game man.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
You're welcome! I had put so much thought into my final rant that I thought I had a chance again. Doesn't help that creeper forgot that some roles could revive and possibly come back, like henni's.

And bstrey, I didn't kill you off this time. At least be happy. :)


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Yea, it was a great farce yeroc. If it weren't for the result of halex's first death, you would have evaded my suspicion for at least another night. By then, you probably would have had me killed off and had a clear shot at forgot.

On the topic of you being mafia so many times...WTF is with that? At first my comment about the randomization algorithm was a joke, but now I have to wonder. Was the second round that you weren't mafia mine, or am I forgetting another time?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
By the way yeroc, make sure to play the next round i host. I won't be using the automated system (gave up on fixing that, I don't understand a lot of the error messages I'm getting), but I will be using the same randomization system, so at least you actually know you have a chance of being on the innocent side :p

Also, yeroc, I'm surprised you didn't try to put it off as creeper trying to cast suspicion elsewhere because of the possibility of revival. If it's any consolation, he's dying slowly from poison.

I'll let forgot decide if he wants to reveal the third mafia member to everyone. Personally, I'm fine with continuing with the plan as it is, but if he'd prefer to help the round end faster by letting our other two innocents in on the last mafia member so they can use whatever their power is, it's up to him.
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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Clearly, someone has the power to revive someone and bring them back to the game. From what I assume, creeper told halex everything that was going on with his side of the game, so as soon as halex received this information, he went to this person who had the power to revive him, told him everything he knew just so he could get back in the game. Is it really fair to bring someone into the game that knows everything? I'm sure you'll all disagree because "Creeper was the one who told hale, it's not his fault." Why else would an independent be brought back into the game? Still, considering that you all clearly know that yeroc is mafia, I'll go along with it.
#VOTE Yeroc


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Guess what cory: I convinced everyone I was mafia so i could die, interrogated creeper pretending to be resigned, revived myself using my hidden power, and exposed them. i had the power to be auto revived. it was hidden.
Talking to someone after I had died is cheating, and everything I did was legal.
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
You know, when I had read about the sword AND SHIELD, I found it odd that the role power only included something about the sword. I'm guessing the shield was the revival, lol


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Well that was fun. I'm super surprised you were Mafia Yeroc. You and cory linking together seemed too ballsy a move to be a lie to me. I'm also surprised and a little disappointed that I was wrong about Sren. I haven't been so set on killing someone off like that in quite a few games.

#VOTE yeroc424


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Since yeroc has pretty much admitted he is mafia, do you guys want to kill two birds with one voting round?


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
General Note: Game ends only when all Mafia are dead, because I was asked this question several times via PM.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
24 hours left. Since this game is going into the end phase, all future phases are now 24h.
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