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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
...me getting everyone to share their location so I could find out where termina was.
Unless you have been talking to forgot in a pm, you didn't. Forgot, despite his "shoot first, ask questions later" approach, has been behind several very beneficial strategies, including the learning of the locations.

My vote of sren I thought was necessary because he has been all over the place this round
So you thought it was necessary to kill me this time because I behaved the way I do all the time?

strategies aimed to kill and a consistent direction of suspicion away from him onto someone else.
a SINGLE (very flawed)strategy aimed at exposing the mafia right away and a consistent avocation for not becoming the evil that we are fighting. The only person whom my actions could be construed as a "redirection of suspicion" towards is you, and it is based on both what others have conveyed to me and the way in which you chose to respond.

Truthfully, halex, if you turn out not to be mafia, I will feel bad about it. Especially since it will have meant that I once again fell fool to the deception of someone else.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
freak, the Spring forward already occurred (or else my drive to work wouldn't be so dark)


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
i've talked to some people via PM and i we have come to agreement that if neither sren nor halex is a mafia that they are being somewhat controlled by mafia. Like they put their faith in the wrong person and that has miss guided them. Also, i would like to point out that so far EVERYONE who i have asked has said their message for role has started with hello, i find it kinda werid that srens started with hi... that is assuming he didn't lie about his role o_O


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
and he stated the exact reason as to why I did.

as to why I got a different greeting? Maybe freak got tired of typing the full hello? Or maybe the actual mafia members who are choosing to lie about their role are just saying that theirs started with "hello" to blend into the crowd and single out someone else.

Right now, I'm definitely hoping that we are correct about halex, or else I know that the pile will instantly be on me and the mafia will have good odds of taking this round.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Alright listen, Sren, after thinking about it a bit more, I think you have only meant help and whether it matters or not, I won't go down pointing fingers.
#VOTE: Nobody
We've got 24 hours fellas, lets think about this a bit more.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
*quizzical look at yeroc

Until i see that both vote counts are dropping out, I'm not leaving myself open to a potential vote-based trick.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
My reasoning (to explain briefly) is that if it came down to halex or sren being voted out, I'd want it to be halex.
I prefer sren's actions and reasoning over halex, but I'm equally indecisive about who, if either, could be mafia.
Since halex dropped a vote, I dropped my vote of halex. Technically, halex still has more votes against.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'm probably not going to be able to rescind my vote near the actual end of the round, so there's an effective 12 hours or so for my vote to be influenced. I'll rescind my vote if it means that we can all actually commit to a strategy. If we can't, I'll likely leave it as is.

If people aren't going to commit to a strategy, the game is less strategic and more just gut-feeling. My gut tells me that Sren is Mafia. The excuses and explanations have simply piled up to the point where it has become ridiculous. I feel like every time I impressed a new point, another excuse was added, or his original statement was modified to meet the needs of the new points presented. It's just a little too much for me to believe.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
The only thing that has changed from my original explanation was the total amount of information I provided about my role. I have made no excuses, only stated facts of the circumstances. Overall forgot, it comes down to you having a gut feeling against me. You claim I speak nonsense and contradict myself constantly. Meanwhile, if you actually look at what you claim are contradictions in the context with which they were given, they don't contradict at all and other people have stated that I am making sensible statements. Your disagreement with their sentiments and taking my words out of context says to me that you are simply determined to remove me from the game and therefore are partially blinding yourself.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Here is exactly why I still suspect you:
  1. Your original strategy about having everyone in one area. I realize you're going to respond saying that we've already been over it: You gave your excuse. But honestly, posting a strategy with obvious flaws in it? And then later claiming that you didn't know your role seems weak. How do you not know your own role, much less when you're posting a strategy? Did you not think to double check or just wait until later?
  2. I don't see my contradictions as superfluous. I noted them and saw they were there. Perhaps I am being blind, but I still see them as being there. Dunno.
  3. When you finally decided to go with my plan of everyone posting their role, you neglected to mention key information, even thought the strategy only works upon the premise that we're all going to be honest about it. I understand that you wanted to take the Mafia by surprise and everything, but let me explain why that doesn't make sense:
Let's assume for a moment you aren't Mafia. You make a post detailing how you want everyone in one location, and then later tell us that you have a potion that can kill people. I don't think that would be a huge surprise for anyone. Before that, it should have been pretty obvious that you have a role that they would want to stay away from anyways. Even when you did post, you should have known that the odds of screwing our team using it would have been way higher than the odds of getting a single Mafia.

That's essentially the end of my argument as of now.

EDIT: Not going to have time to check tomorrow morning, so I'll unvote for today and hope I'm wrong. Hopefully this way we can avoid doing anything stupid.

#VOTE Nobody
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, let me try to get this through to you...again...despite your stubbornness and unwillingness to understand what I've said...

Your original strategy about having everyone in one area. I realize you're going to respond saying that we've already been over it: You gave your excuse. But honestly, posting a strategy with obvious flaws in it? And then later claiming that you didn't know your role seems weak. How do you not know your own role, much less when you're posting a strategy? Did you not think to double check or just wait until later?
As I explained, this plan was resultant of flawed logic during a period of my day when I'm only partially thinking. It relied on something very similar to the the Prisoner's Gambit. For those not familiar with this, the concept is that there are two people who have committed a crime. Each is brought to a separate room for questioning. If both hold up their lie, they go free as there is no evidence against them. If one lies and the other sells his partner out, the liar goes to prison and the other goes free. If they both sell each other out, they both go to prison. In most cases, either both stay silent or both sell out. It is VERY rare for one to lie and the other to sell out.

With that in mind, and that for whatever reason I was convinced I had a splash poison, I thought that either ALL participants would be in one spot or only the mafia would stay away. Again, I misunderstood the mechanics of the round, thinking we had some way of knowing who was at our location, and was corrected by freak in private. I even had a short argument with him about how my role seemed pointless because a splash potion would almost require knowledge of who is around, to which he asked when he ever said a splash potion.

From the vantage point of my misunderstandings at the time, the risks seemed justified as either all mafia would be hit with everyone else or they would have singled themselves out without the innocents getting hit and the use of a form of healing is very rarely not present. Considering you didn't have the same misunderstandings that I did, I can see where you thought I would have poisoned the innocent no matter what, but that is your first misinterpretation of my words. Also, I never said I didn't know my role, i said I misread my role. Believing I had not misread it, I had no reason in my mind to double check it as there is not a lot to what my role is. I have a single action that I can choose either to do or not to do. Bearing that in mind, would you HONESTLY even bother to have re-read the role if you believed you had read it correctly?

I don't see my contradictions as superfluous. I noted them and saw they were there. Perhaps I am being blind, but I still see them as being there. Dunno.
Your claims of me contradicting myself ARE NOT contradictions. You claim me mentioning that yeroc is playing as he always does a contradiction. That would only be true if I had said "these people are being quiet, they must be mafia." However, if you had noted this properly, you would have noticed that that part is separate from my actual reasoning. I had mentioned the people I had not noticed activity from in an effort to get them to join the discussion, not to cast suspicion on them. Did I later mention yeroc's inactivity in my reasoning? Yes, but only as a way to explain why it is I find it difficult to read him. Unlike you, I didn't simply say he's not talking, he's suspicious, my exact wording was:
he talks very little in the public discussion, making it difficult to get a read on him
note the part i have bolded, the part of the statement that is the reason. Along with this reason, I stated 3 others (and a joke, which yeroc himself picked up on). Considering I have spoken out against using inactivity as the sole reason for killing someone and my argument is not only about reading a person and one of four arguments but also about why I found him a threat, how am I contradicting myself?

Next, you claim my statements regarding plans is a contradiction. I don't know where in the hell you get that from. First I state that others chose to follow a strategy I came up with because they thought it was a good idea. Then, in response to a claim that i gathered information quickly, I state that I did not come up with the plan, I merely agreed with it and took it upon myself to act as the record keeper. Where in there is a contradiction?

When you finally decided to go with my plan of everyone posting their role, you neglected to mention key information, even thought the strategy only works upon the premise that we're all going to be honest about it. I understand that you wanted to take the Mafia by surprise and everything, but let me explain why that doesn't make sense:
You must also note that I was the FIRST person to reveal their role. My exact wording when agreeing to your plan:
As to a plan, it is difficult to come up with one without knowing the roles ahead of time. I am all for forgot's idea as 1. it would allow me to get a better idea of assets and threats for a plan and 2. I am at no risk of being considered a main target since my role is probably one of the weakest ones. If other people are in agreement on revealing roles and willing to take the associated risks, then we might be able to get somewhere instead of people acting like the Cane family.
Now, let's look at the situation and the wording. 1) I am the first person offering up information about my role with NO guarantee that anyone else will follow suit. 2) I want my role to appear weaker than it is so mafia won't see me as a threat. 3) I recognize that even knowing only part of people's roles can lead to a working plan that will reduce losses. So why wouldn't I withhold information about my role in hopes of catching the mafia off guard?

In any case, the facts that yeroc doesn't think halex is a threat and that he is an equal advocate against the bandwagon mentality is enough for me to stop and reconsider halex for now. If halex truly is not mafia, then it means that they are trying to make me into a marionette...which I do not take kindly to.

#Vote: none
However, unlike forgot, I will be able to keep an eye on the thread around the end of day time and will act to protect myself. Just because I don't see halex as a threat right now doesn't mean I have negated him as mafia.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Update on #savehalex
Halex44: 3 votes

Edit: .....sh!t
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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Day 3
Final Votecount:

Halex44: 3 Votes
Srentiln: 1 Vote

So it has been decided. Halex was set to be killed! But wait... just then, everybody realized that they haven't even seen halex for the duration of the entire game. That was, when a well known figure suddenly jumped out from behind a bush, shouting
It was Halex... Or should I say...
What does Link do on a Minecraft server? Anyways, at that moment, the players approached him, telling him to go to the TNT spawn. Link happily obliged.
"Doesn't he know that we are going to kill him?"
Not much was left of the TNT spawn. It kind of looked like it exploded. A usual habit that TNT blocks have. Even oversized ones.
Long story short: The players built a circle around Link. At that second, he realized what they were going to do to him.
Well yeah, what did you think was going to happen if 10 players jump on one person?

Halex44 was killed! He was Link, the ??? Townie/Vigilante!


No, upon checking his corpse further, it was revealed he had no alignment at all! He was Independant!

You have been assigned a special role in this game! You are Link from the Legend of Zelda series, the Independant Townie. Yes, you heard right. You just came back from a long-ish trip to the land of Termina, and you seem to have forgotten your shield and sword there. Your task is to find the location of Termina (one of the locations in this game) before the Dawn of the 4th Day. After you have done so, you may receive a special power. However, if you fail to visit Termina, you may stay powerless for the rest of the game.

Win Condition: Survive until the end of the game!

Good luck.
While walking around on Termina Field in search of your Sword and Shield, you suddenly come across a large chest.

You have found your Sword and your Shield. You are now Link, the Independant Vigililante
10 Players remain! 5 Innocents and 1 Independant have been killed! 0 Mafia have been killed!

It is now Night 3! 12 HOURS REMAIN (?). The weather is clear! You may now send in Night Actions. Results will be sent out shortly!

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