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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay, now that I can actually take my time in posting instead of rushing between tasks at work:

Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions.
I would argue that the facts I presented were not out-of-game information/resources. All my facts were related to my experience with yeroc. The only one that I would say could be seen as such is the most irrelevant part, that being his role assignment in other rounds (which was meant mostly as a joke that no one seems to have picked up on).

forgot accuses me of contradicting myself. How have I done so? Rather than pull a Biff Cane and instantly start trying to get rid of someone I found a level of threat with, I presented my reasoning and invited them to bring up counter arguments to sway my opinion in the opposite direction. Forgot sees this action, which anyone who even slightly knows me would know is within my modus operandi, as me trying to get someone else to start the voting, something that truly is against my character.

Forget further continues to beat a dead horse by bringing up a moot point: my idea to have everyone in one place. I explained my thought process behind this idea. I dropped the idea and said nothing more of it for one simple reason: I came up with it at the same time as working on designing new parts for work. I further misread the potion as a splash potion and was going to keep quiet about that in hopes that the mafia members would try not to clump up because I intended to go forward with the teaming-up plan. After having posted the idea, I realized how bad the plan was and decided it was not worth discussing further. That is all there is to it. The fact you CONTINUE to bring it up only deepens my suspicion of you being the Sky Silvestry of this round.

Next, Dis tries arguing the same arguments could be said of me.

1) I'm not good at lying ever. I have more tells than a room full of snitches.
2) Even as a leader, the only way I could get anyone to "kill for me" was when they were not there to act themselves and I moved for them. All other attacks were agreed upon because others thought it was a good idea.
3) All information gathering was the result of forgot's plans. I merely agreed with the ideas, as I saw them as a good plan, and kept the record of the locations.

Now, as to my thoughts of threat from yeroc:

piece contacted me because he felt I was the only one he could trust as truling being an innocent. I asked him who he felt was the biggest threat, and he had the same two suspicions that I did. As a result, he wanted to remove yeroc and I decided to give yeroc a chance to change my mind. After our talk, I still don't trust him fully, but I don't feel that he is currently a threat. However, the more forgot and did go pointing fingers and starting the pile the more I have to wonder about their true intentions.

As to my role, this was another case of my time constraints. While I did not quote the information given to me directly, I told you everything about my role. If you really need to see it to feel more comfortable about it:

Hi Sren,

you are the Innocent Poisoner. You are armed with a poison potion. You may use the potion a single night to cause a player to die in 3 phases unless healed by a regenerator/doctor.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.

(please head to the game thread and confirm that youve received this role. Also if you have any questions, feel free to ask.)
Now, if we can move past this point, "Let us fight for a world of reason..."


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Lol it seems unlikely to me that an innocent would be gifted power to poision others. While i do not know the layout of the game, most innocent roles revealed have been a little less malicious. You could have easily edited the pm to remove the parts about mafia. Part of me even believes you completely fabricated your role, possibly to remove suspicion of a role power that has an location destroy or mass murder. Also, you seem to only make sense after someone actively goes against you. The rest of what you've posted in this thread has been somewhat nonsense. You'll probably quote each sentence in this post and deny it bit by bit, but as they say, "even a fool can sound brilliant when he speaks his own language"
#VOTE: Srentlin
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
halex, you're jumping to conclusions. I "only make sense after I'm accused" because most of my other posts have been at work between tasks. I know you don't understand this yet, but that doesn't give you much time to actually think of what you are going to post.

As to the "maliciousness" of the role, how is a terrorist less malicious than a poisoner?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Whether you like it or not sren, there isn't much info you have to go off of so jumping to conclusions is necessary. Also, the sole purpose of the terrorist was to take out a mafia that was attacking you, making it one of the more useful roles and a good asset to the innocents. While I do not think you have done anything to identify you as definitely mafia, you should probably put thought into something before you say it. Unfortunately, this idea of "not having enough time to think of what to post" is bs and this along with other foolish arguments has identified you as the front runner to be lynched. It's silly to say something unintelligent just because you are doing something else at the time, whatever it may be.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Okay halex, that settles it for me:


Based on the information I have gained from those who know I can be trusted and your own words, I am 90% certain you are the actual mafia member.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
OMFG seriously guys do NOT judge someone over their excuses for posting weird things, especially if it pertains to the real world.

Sren has a job, and believe it or not playing this game at work can get some stuff jumbled. I'd personally wait til I get home to clear my head and play, but if all the time you have is at work, then you will use it. Honestly I play a lot while in between classes, so I understand he can get fried.

The least you can do is not attack based on that. Anything pertaining to this game specifically can still be valid, but don't do that.


Oct 29, 2013
I believe I know enough roles to deduce that halex is a mafia. If you want to question me about it please do so in game.
#Vote halex


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I don't even want to dissect this wall of text, but I feel the need.

I would argue that the facts I presented were not out-of-game information/resources. All my facts were related to my experience with yeroc. The only one that I would say could be seen as such is the most irrelevant part, that being his role assignment in other rounds (which was meant mostly as a joke that no one seems to have picked up on).
Even if that's not Meta, why are you going after good players with nothing else on them? Aren't good players an asset if they are on the Innocent's side? You sobbed so much after we killed Spontida for inactivity, yet you're doing practically the same thing to yeroc.

Forgot accuses me of contradicting myself. How have I done so? Rather than pull a Biff Cane and instantly start trying to get rid of someone I found a level of threat with, I presented my reasoning and invited them to bring up counter arguments to sway my opinion in the opposite direction.
It's in bold if you need to look again.

Forgot further continues to beat a dead horse by bringing up a moot point: my idea to have everyone in one place. I explained my thought process behind this idea. I dropped the idea and said nothing more of it for one simple reason: I came up with it at the same time as working on designing new parts for work.
Why would you bother posting a half-assed strategy? Nobody is going to blame you if you wait until after work to think about it a little more. Just don't post it or say you'd like some time to think.

I further misread the potion as a splash potion and was going to keep quiet about that in hopes that the mafia members would try not to clump up because I intended to go forward with the teaming-up plan. After having posted the idea, I realized how bad the plan was and decided it was not worth discussing further. That is all there is to it.
How do you not now your role? And when you're posting a strategy? Nope. Not buying it. Even after you did explain it, your explanation was full of holes. I'd like to guess that when you read how I shot you down, you simply pretended to have a different role in the attempt to blow it off.

The fact you CONTINUE to bring it up only deepens my suspicion of you being the Sky Silvestry of this round.
You're not going to scare me off with 'deepening suspicions'.

1) I'm not good at lying ever. I have more tells than a room full of snitches.
That's pretty clear this round.

2) Even as a leader, the only way I could get anyone to "kill for me" was when they were not there to act themselves and I moved for them. All other attacks were agreed upon because others thought it was a good idea.
3) All information gathering was the result of forgot's plans. I merely agreed with the ideas, as I saw them as a good plan, and kept the record of the locations.
THERE YOU GO AGAIN. ANOTHER CONTRADICTION. You're blaming me for coming up with an idea, and then right before it you say that agreeing to ideas is up to each individual.

piece contacted me because he felt I was the only one he could trust as truly being an innocent. I asked him who he felt was the biggest threat, and he had the same two suspicions that I did. As a result, he wanted to remove yeroc and I decided to give yeroc a chance to change my mind. After our talk, I still don't trust him fully, but I don't feel that he is currently a threat.
I'd love an explanation.

However, the more Forgot and Dis go pointing fingers and starting the pile the more I have to wonder about their true intentions.
I'm not forcing this, I'm responding with rational arguments. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you don't sign up next round.

As to my role, this was another case of my time constraints. While I did not quote the information given to me directly, I told you everything about my role. If you really need to see it to feel more comfortable about it:
I think you made that role up. Freak said hello to everyone I've met so far. Not to mention that you didn't know your own role even though we're a few days into it.

Now, if we can move past this point, "Let us fight for a world of reason..."
Hell no, quit changing the subject like you always do.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm going to avoid a quote wall:

I did not "sob so much" after spon was killed. I was making a point that we need to actually give people a chance to defend themselves, which you have not been doing this entire time.

As I have stated, my post was to state who I felt was a threat, why I thought he was a threat, and give him an opportunity to defend himself.

My statement of yeroc only posting once in a blue moon had nothing to do with his activity. It was a direct reference to his play style and only that. This play style makes it near impossible to get a read on him, which is something else that I stated.

Not knowing my own role in this short of a time? Hell, I don't even know my own drivers liscense number or my own social security number, and I've had both of those for much longer. Hell, I don't remember people's names until I've known them a month unless it's right there in front of me.

Why would I post the strategy? Because my work is boring and if I have a moment between tasks, I'm going to do something to keep myself awake.

I'm not trying to scare you any more than you're trying to scare me. I'm stating a fact: I was already suspicious of you and was hoping to find more information to clear that up, but your actions continue to speak out to me in a negative manner.

How is my agreement with a plan that you came up with a contradiction? You keep using that word, but the way you use it makes it seem like you don't actually know what it means.

If you want en explanation of my change of mind, you can talk to yeroc. If you insist on hearing it from me, then start a private conversation with both of us.

You claim to be responding with rational arguments. To me, they come off as trying to blur my explanations with repeated moot points.

Quite honestly, if I were mafia, forgot, you would never have had the opportunity to accuse me of being mafia because, of the rounds I have played, you have always been the one to come up with the plan that clears out the mafia.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
Whether or not he is mafia, #vote halex because he is rubbing me the wrong way. Also he has yet to confirm his role.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Whether or not he is mafia, #vote halex because he is rubbing me the wrong way. Also he has yet to confirm his role.
So have you? Unless I'm missing something.

And why in the blue fuck are you all voting for Halex? Reasons people. Please.
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always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
you are the Innocent Engineer. On Night 1, you have the power to place a turret on one location, causing anyone who is at that location to be roleblocked. This turret lasts only for that night. At night 2, you will able to place a regenerator at any location. All the players at that location will be healed of any status ailments they currently have. At Night 3, you have the power to place a teleporter at 2 locations, making one random player on that location swap with another random player of the other location. After this the cycle repeats.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Hello Halex,

you have been assigned a special role in this game! You are Link from the Legend of Zelda series, the Independant Townie. Yes, you heard right. You just came back from a long-ish trip to the land of Termina, and you seem to have forgotten your shield and sword there. Your task is to find the location of Termina (one of the locations in this game) before the Dawn of the 4th Day. After you have done so, you may receive a special power. However, if you fail to visit Termina, you may stay powerless for the rest of the game.

Win Condition: Survive until the end of the game and win with the Innocents.

Good luck.

(please head to the game thread and confirm that you have received this role. Also if you have any questions, feel free to ask.)

If you care to know the special power msg me on the forums.
Thx for termina's # @Spontida10 ;)

As for you sren, I tire of you referencing your "deepening suspicion" and all your little sleuthy comments. I'm not sure what you've done to gain the support of bstrey and piece, but you're not convincing anyone else.
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always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I don't trust anyone in this game. Not even the people that have "revealed" their role.
They could have easily changed the text that says Mafia to Innocent


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Hey, I have thoughts now.

The key difference between these two is the thought and attitude put into their posts. Sren, while seeming like mafia for some of the half-planned strategies, has been able to justify himself often enough to give me a good view of him. Halex is taking the more obvious strategies.
If one were to consider how a mafia would work, don't you think they'd suggest the strategy that seems the best at first? Of course they want people to agree with them, and if the strategy only appears good without true examination, then he will be leading everyone. On the other hand, a risky strategy SHOULD be ignored, but when the strengths behind it come out it makes the person come out as a good person. Mafia wouldn't want to be as risky because they have far fewer players to side with.
I could even pinpoint the issue about killing the afk players. Neither sren or I supported this, as we wanted to be cautious about losing some potentially powerful people and a couple of decoy players. Halex was all to ready to jump upon spont, whether or not he was mafia. Sure, he joined the majority by voting spont, but he didn't seem to put in any thought. I_Forgot actually justified his thoughts, but many of those who sided with him didn't. And of course, I_F revoked his vote (not many people caught that) but others including halex stayed regardless.
If we look at how these guys corner their targets, there is another difference. Sren actually gave me a chance to justify my actions (or lack thereof) before voting me. Yes, we all know some of his points were not thought out, but that last one was clearly a joke, and the first one was something I had to respond to. When I see halex attacking sren, there's bandwagon, ad hominem, and other fallacies at play. Halex is very jumpy, and again sren is the more cautious.

When it comes to the roles, it makes sense that sren is only partially honest. Nobody really wants their role to be known to the mafia, so sren is protecting himself by telling a few lies and not giving up all of his information. Sren has gone ahead and told his true role to a few people, including myself. To me, it seems within the realm of reason that an innocent would lie about his role to an extent. As for halex, he just posts the exact text. Reread, freak never said anything about screenshots -
"8. You will also be modkilled for violating any of the rules in 1., especially for quoting a role PM."
Good job, most of you. Hopefully freak just doesn't care. But anyways, I don't know how to react to halex' role, considering that the Termina moon exists on zero, and it's not just a direct location from another game. I find it hard to believe that freak would just take another game character to throw as a role, but I admit that I could be wrong.

If we lose our cautious players, we're gonna jump to a LOT of conclusions - many of which are probably wrong already. I_F has been responsible for two deaths now, and I'd not want him to blindly cause a third. This is why I don't like this jumpiness - yes, we know I_F is innocent, but halex? I can't tell. Also, sren's mistakes and thought processes line up a lot more with an innocent than a mafia. For the first time this game,

Vote: Halex


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Thank you yeroc for taking the time to explain things from a more clear-headed vantage point.

Also, as I had planned to do before I read forgot's response to it and got into "argue with the dm" mode (mine is actually kind of tame, I've heard of a 4 hour debate with a D&D DM over whether or not a dragon could fly upside-down), I am sorry for the borderline meta-ing. My thought was that, since our "characters" in this are ourselves. anything from past rounds was fair game, even going so far as to use the insanity story mechanism from my round to explain how an alternate reality me would know them.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Excellent analysis yeroc, including the part about strategies that seem good but are actually useless, such as me getting everyone to share their location so I could find out where termina was. As for me being mafia, I guess I just have a mafia personality as I am targeted every round. Nevertheless, my imminent death will be just another mistake based off of "the feel" or "rubbing you the wrong way". My vote of sren I thought was necessary because he has been all over the place this round, with strategies aimed to kill and a consistent direction of suspicion away from him onto someone else. T-1:32, it's been fun guys.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
"As for me being mafia, I guess I just have a mafia personality as I am targeted every round."

You do realize you're the one that can change that? Perhaps try not to seem so jumpy in the thread and don't bash people for being people?
If you play the same way every round, you will be treated the same way every round.
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