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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Alright. My role is the Innocent Weatherman.

Sorry about the kill Ricky. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, I hurt people. I'm a force of nature. I was trying to get the guy who killed henni. I thought maybe he wouldn't bother moving until he just instantly teleported, using the kill. Unfortunately, that was one of my strongest abilities. I really want to know what you had planned to do in moving to Savern after the game is over.

As for my role:
I can make it Sunny: Does Nothing.
I can make it Rain: Makes everyone stay put for the night.
I can start a Fire: You already saw this one. I can only use it once.
I can start a Hurricane: Makes Nights twice as long. Can only be used once.

On the note of that reference, if forgot turns out to be mafia, then that is a truly complete comparison (with forgot being Sky, that is).
Sorry, I don't quite get it. What's being compared here? And Sky isn't playing...?
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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Forgot, the Doctor Who episode Midnight. In the episode a character named Sky is taken over by an unseen entity that uses the fear of the other passengers to try to get them to throw the Doctor out of the train, which would kill him instantly because the planet's close proximity to its star causes it to have super high levels of "x tonic" radiation. Because of her demeanor, they just assume instantly that she is innocent and the doctor is actually the one who the being is taking over.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Night 2

Location: Spawn
Time: Night

The mafia was roaming the server. There was one user that has had their attention from the beginning. They knew he was camping, what they didn't know was where he was camping.

Suddenly, while one of them was being at spawn, he has reconized a player crounching in one of the corners.
"Hi, who might you be?", he said.
"I am ElectroUnderwear. Don't mind me."
"Ah, okay.", the mafia player said, before moving on. Just as he reached the stairs leading to the temple, he suddenly turned around, revealing a gun.
ElectroUnderwear was staring into the eyes of the person that has just fired a shot at him.

ElectroUnderwear has been killed! He was the Innocent Townie/Hider!

you are the Innocent Townie/Hider. You have the following powers:
-You cannot be checked by cops.
-You cannot be tracked or watched. (Nobody with that power knows where you are)
-You cannot be protected from kills by another player.
You do not have any night powers, all of the above is used automatically.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
Something else has happened! A Regenerator has been randomly placed at one of the locations. Visiting this location will heal you from all status ailments!


It is now Day 3! You may now vote for players and give me locations that you want to travel to! Night results will be sent out shortly after this post.

11 Players remain! 5 Innocents and 0 Mafia have been killed!


Note: This song was banned in germany due to copyright infringement (hence the spanish video). :(


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
So what's the plan for today? It's pretty obvious that the mafia is taking us down one by one...


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, my first thought is to find that healing thing to know where it is. I have a few ideas, but I don't know that we actually have what we need to make them work yet.

remaining players:


Of those people, I have not seen much discussion from jelly, zath, cory, or creeper. And, as per usual, yeroc is only saying stuff once in a blue moon.

Of the people left, I would say the biggest threat is @yeroc424

My reasoning:
  • he talks very little in the public discussion, making it difficult to get a read on him
  • he is a VERY good liar in the game
  • he has, in the past rounds, managed to manipulate others to kill for him
  • he knows how to gather information quickly
  • For some reason, he tends to end up on mafia side a lot (maybe the randomization algorithm has something for part of his name that does it?)
Yeroc, I strongly encourage you to convince us if you are not mafia.
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Okay, I can address these things.

"he talks very little in the public discussion, making it difficult to get a read on him"
I've had a little bit more college work than normal this last week, but I am lucky enough to talk to people in-game. However, I do keep up with the forums here, but it seems everyone was saying everything already. You missed an argument I had with I_F's reasoning regarding afk players, and that's why my name is tagged in his post. It's typical that what I would say would also be covered by either you, I_F, or cory, since you all share some sort of thought patterns with me.

"he is a VERY good liar in the game"
Why thank you! Unfortunately, you deal with this more when we are on opposing teams, but I know how to keep my enemies off of my hide - regardless of my team. It's a shame I didn't get to play much during Aj's round, as you may have seen the benefits of my strategies.

"he has, in the past rounds, managed to manipulate others to kill for him"
I'd like to think anyone with some sort of leadership role could do this. If your ideas are thought out, and you can argue successfully with the people you are sided with, they will listen to you.

"he knows how to gather information quickly"
This only works some of the time. I played very aggressively during the first round, and since then have been more subtle. My thoughts now are getting to know your teammates and having them relay the information. It's really only a matter of time before everyone knows everything.

"For some reason, he tends to end up on mafia side a lot (maybe the randomization algorithm has something for part of his name that does it?)"
LOL, not much of a valid point, but it's funny, so I'll give you cookies. So that rounds up your reasoning, most of it iterating that I'm good at this game. I'm flattered :)

This round, I've been keeping on the low for a few reasons, but four people know what's going on. I'd say refer to my strange post early on, but you still won't get it unless it was explained to you. However, that post served its purpose. Check your inbox so you can get it.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I know which post you're talking about, and I did catch on to the fact that there was a hidden message since you had something you like to pester me about doing in it.


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Im not posting much on the forums because most of what I think is already being said, like yeroc.
However, I'm talking to bstrey, yeroc, forgot, and cory in game quite a bit, again like yeroc xD


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Well, now I know that my role isn't the weakest, heh

and sorry to bstrey for overlooking her. Your name was not on the participant list I copied for some reason o_O

still haven't heard from jelly


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'm seriously suspecting you Srentiln.

So I'd like to present my reasoning:
  1. The argument you just posted against yeroc was Meta. Not only was it shoddy, but it's also against the rules (Rule 10 specifically).
  2. You also contradict yourself in the process of building that argument, leading me to believe it was not a preconceived idea, but rather that it was built as you typed. I'd like to guess that you simply picked someone good who's not in the Mafia with you, and then proceeded to build an argument against them. See here:
    Of those people, I have not seen much discussion from jelly, zath, cory, or creeper. And, as per usual, yeroc is only saying stuff once in a blue moon.

    Of the people left, I would say the biggest threat is @yeroc424

    My reasoning:
    • he talks very little in the public discussion, making it difficult to get a read on him
  3. Even after you came to the point of accusation, you didn't cast a vote against him. I'd also take a bet on the fact that you wanted someone else to start the voting process. That way, when he dies and is shown as an innocent, you don't have to shoulder all that blame.
  4. That whole 'everyone in one location' scheme of yours still rubs me the wrong way, especially how it was just blown off afterwards.
  5. Your role PM. You never state the name of the role, or any real specifics. You only say that you've got a splash potion of harming.
  6. Finally that explanation for everyone being in one area. But it doesn't matter because it's a shoddy plan. The fallacies within it deserve it's own post entirely.
If the Mafia isn't there, you end up killing innocents, which harms us overall. Now, I'm sure you're going to make the argument that there might be a role that can tell us who is in our location, but that would be a guess at best. Even if there is a role like that, you might have killed them with the potion before it even mattered.

If the Mafia is there, we can assume that one of two statements is true: either the splash potion does damage to lots of people, or it only does it to a few. If it's the former, and the mafia wasn't there, you killed like half our team for nothing. If they were there, you still killed a bunch of our team, and left killing people up to probability. If it's the latter, then at that point in the game, the chances were really low you would hit one of them anyways.

That being said: #VOTE Srentiln
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013

I'm the innocent granny:
Hello Dis,

you are the Innocent Granny. You come equipped with a gun. You don't like it when the people call you DistrictMattress. This is what causes your general hate towards people. You will kill any person that checks you with a checking-power at night. Your power is activated automatically.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
To anyone who checks on me, don't

Also, Forgot has a very sound reasoning for why sren could be the mafia, and going back to how sren accused yeroc:
  • he is a VERY good liar in the game
  • he has, in the past rounds, managed to manipulate others to kill for him
  • he knows how to gather information quickly
That's pretty much what you are too sren. Not really anyway to prove you're lying, you've definitely been a key player in many rounds, and have not manipulated but lead and as yeroc said a good leader can manipulate, and you gathered that most of that map in a short time.

#VOTE Srentiln


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I would like to point out that I gave sren the idea to vote out yeroc.
He is not mafia... at least i'm pretty sure he's not.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
I would like to point out that I gave sren the idea to vote out yeroc.
He is not mafia... at least i'm pretty sure he's not.
Yeroc isn't mafia.
We have no reason so assume so and just going off of random chance you'd say he's not mafia
Also, since forgot was the leader, he didn't need to lead this time
And another thing, Yeroc talks more when he is a bad guy. Review the other ones. He talked more. He can't deceive people if he doesn't talk.
And one last thing, He active enough to not be considered dead weight like some people here are, so i think we should leave yeroc alone, at least for now


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
I'd say back off of sren for his seemingly meta arguments against me. I've already talked to him about this, and we're fine. I don't want something like that to ruin the fun of the game.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
I'd say back off of sren for his seemingly meta arguments against me. I've already talked to him about this, and we're fine. I don't want something like that to ruin the fun of the game.
The point still stands that his logic was really flawed for wanting everyone in one location. That's not like him.

Unless you have honest reasoning against that point, my vote stands. That was my main reason for voting for him.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Sorry for overreacting about the incident with spontida. But next time, you guys should use more reasoning so that we won't tear our own team apart.
PS: Distinct I'm assuming you just forgot this but you aren't supposed to share role PMs.

Edit after forgot replied: Screenshot is what I meant
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Sorry for overreacting about the incident with spontida. But next time, you guys should use more reasoning so that we won't tear our own team apart.
PS: Distinct I'm assuming you just forgot this but you aren't supposed to share role PMs.
It's fine as long as you don't screenshot it.
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