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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Not everyone is on at the same time as you, responses don't generally happen when you want them to. The reason that we decided to vote you is because there was no reason to believe that you were active in this game, because you usually talk in the game. When forgot refers to you as being a "Good guy", he is referring to you being an innocent and still being inactive, making you deadweight and giving the team no benefit if you cannot use your role. Of course we need a team to take down the "baddies", but a team with inactive players has no benefit.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
@yeroc424 and those wishing to know why we want to go after inactives

I'm going to go ahead and compose the rationale for lynching inactives in the forum since the conversation in-game raised such a fuss.

Let's assume we have multiple inactive/lurking players, like we do at the moment. It can be assumed that having inactive Innocents is effectively worthless: They can't use their role, and if the Mafia has any intelligence whatsoever, they would leave these people for last. If all the others are killed off other than those players that are inactive, they've already won, even if the Innocents have more players, because they can't do anything. Yet, there's always the possibility that killing a lurker will reveal one of the Mafia, in which case we end up killing a foe, which is a definite plus.

Therefore, leaving them be leaves us neutral, while accusing them will either yield a Mafia kill, or force them to reveal themselves and start playing the game the way it was intended to be played.

Now, there's always someone that's going to make the argument that we have no evidence against them, and I'd like to point out that that's the intended purpose of lurking. If you lurk, they have nothing on you, and they are forced to later kill inactives at random. That gives you a nice little buffer of inactivity to kill from.

That being said, Spontida has decided to start posting a little more. #VOTE Nobody


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Not everyone is on at the same time as you, responses don't generally happen when you want them to. The reason that we decided to vote you is because there was no reason to believe that you were active in this game, because you usually talk in the game. When forgot refers to you as being a "Good guy", he is referring to you being an innocent and still being inactive, making you deadweight and giving the team no benefit if you cannot use your role. Of course we need a team to take down the "baddies", but a team with inactive players has no benefit.
Well, he's just revealed that he's still active. Why haven't you taken back your vote?


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I have thoughts of my own as to what is happening in the game but for now I will just stick with the majority.

#vote spontida
(if you are mafia though im not sorry)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
The fact that you choose to post only when you are defending your own life shows that either you do not want to contribute, either for your own personal goals or simply because you are too lazy/busy, or that you simply are not investing enough into the game that you do not know how to contribute or what to say to help your innocent brethren. Either way, you're no use to us. Bye spon :p


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Do i need to recast my vote or am i good?

Anyhow, so spon is pretty much guaranteed to be gone but do we have any more locations for the chart? We seem to be very unfocused on any particular goal


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I disagree halex. As someone who is, for the most part, a quiet person I can see a number of reasons why he wouldn't have spoken up as of yet:
  1. He does not have any information to contribute (one of my biggest reasons for not talking at times)
  2. There are several people in this thread who will take what you say and twist it into a "that just makes you seem suspicious" without a solid reason
  3. He is trying to read the other players before saying anything publicly
and then there are the "he's mafia" type reasons


Nov 2, 2013
I disagree halex. As someone who is, for the most part, a quiet person I can see a number of reasons why he wouldn't have spoken up as of yet:
  1. He does not have any information to contribute (one of my biggest reasons for not talking at times)
  2. There are several people in this thread who will take what you say and twist it into a "that just makes you seem suspicious" without a solid reason
  3. He is trying to read the other players before saying anything publicly
and then there are the "he's mafia" type reasons
Thank you Sren for not joining the bandwagon without a proper reason! Also I love how Zatharel deems Electro suspicious because he asked why he didn't take down his vote.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Just so you guys know, the phase is over, it just took some time to gather all the information. Update will go after this post.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Day 2

The people of the server have decided something had to be done. So they have went with who they've thought to be the most inactive person in the game. Halfway through the day, Spon tried defending himself, although it didn't help much.

Final Votecount:

Spontida: 8 Votes
Rickyboy: 1 Vote
Theforgottenuser: 1 Vote

So it has been decided. Spont was brought on top of the Tnt spawn. There the users were gathering, eager to see if Spon would fight back.
"YOU WILL NEVER KILL ME ALIVE!", he said, removing his jacket and unveiling a large bomb belt he had underneath it.
"Oh sh...", said the users, jumping off the building and into the water.

Spontida10 has blown himself up! He was the Innocent Terrorist!
you are the Innocent Terrorist. Yes, the terrorist is actually in the Innocent faction. Don't ask me why. You come equipped with a bomb belt. If anyone tries to kill you at night, your belt will go off, killing you and the person that tried to kill you.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
(No location was destroyed during this event.)

But something else has happened!

Rickyboy320 was standing around in Shri Tra Savern. He was searching for the corpse of Henni, hoping he would get any evidence as to who has killed him there. Suddenly, he heard a noise.
"What is this?"
There he noticed a hole in the roof, allowing him to peek out. A large tornado made out of flames was heading into his direction.
"Well, this sure was not what the weather forecast has announced."
After his final words, the entire location went up in flames, as did Ricky.

Rickyboy320 has went up in flames! He was the Innocent Heavy/Bodyguard/Hydro!
you are the Innocent Heavy/Bodyguard/Hydro. Once every 2 nights, you may choose a person that you want to protect. You do not need to protect a person. If this person gets attacked, the kill is being redirected to you, and you die in his/her place. You are always on the same location as your target, meaning that you cannot choose a location at day phases, if you choose to protect a target. As a Hydro, you are also immune to phase changes (you will see what I mean once its time.).

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
(Note: He had chosen not to protect anyone in Night 1.)

And Location #2 Shri Tra Savern has been destroyed! You cannot visit or interact with this location anymore!

But yet something else has happened!

While all this occured, jagman77 was standing in one of the rooms of Button Button. And standing. And standing. And standing.
Suddenly, the following message popped up:

Jagman77 has been Modkilled per personal request! He was the Innocent Cop!
you are the Innocent Cop in this game. You have the power to check one player each night, giving you their role and alignment. By doing so, you will travel to this person's location.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
It is now Night 2! Please send me your actions, power roles! This phase will last 24 hours! The weather is clear (sunny). Day results will be sent out shortly after this post.



minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
  1. Aqueous
  2. ShriTraSavern
  3. MYTH
  4. Minas Tirith
  5. Mine Co.
  6. Block Party
  7. ghidora manor
  8. Spawn
  9. Mob Parkour
  10. Metal Harbor
  11. Termina
  12. ninjawarrior
  13. Temple of Memory
  14. Vurture city
  15. X
  16. Button Button

So far we have lost 4 innocents, one of which was due to people jumping to conclusions and hopping on a bandwagon. The mafia is going to end up winning because we will do the work for them.
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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Great job, guys. Your "strategy" of lynching spon even after he confirmed that he hadn't gone inactive has taken us one step closer to being defeated. Let me remind you of the 7th commandment of Minr Mafia:
"All players need to use some common sense. Duh."


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
First off: Electro don't be a dick, everything in that last message was someone rubbing in someone else's face that they didn't get the best outcome.
Second: Spon was basically a dead man anyhow, he just died in an unfortunate manner before he could explode
Third: The chance of getting a mafia member in the first 4 votes aren't that high. Its 3 to what 10? 12? its not that high of a chance.
Fourth: Last i checked you voted for Ricky who was also the heavy, he could have been vital.
Fifth: Sren, 3 of the deaths weren't even our choice, it was just random chance or mafia that did it


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
So instead of lamenting about how much that last move sucked and how it's everyone else's fault, does anyone have an actual plan?

I'm still partial to everyone revealing their roles. Even if it's giving the Mafia a kill list, at least we'll have something to work off of.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Dis: I don't care about the other three, the one was avoidable. It's just like the Doctor Who episode Midnight: instead of taking the time to examine the facts, people jump on an easy solution and try to justify their actions with outcomes of other actions.

Electro: pointing out flaws in the manner you chose to doesn't help either. We need to learn from mistakes, not rub them in each other's faces.

Forgot: I was not "lamenting" the results, I was calling attention to a failing of judgement.

As to a plan, it is difficult to come up with one without knowing the roles ahead of time. I am all for forgot's idea as 1. it would allow me to get a better idea of assets and threats for a plan and 2. I am at no risk of being considered a main target since my role is probably one of the weakest ones. If other people are in agreement on revealing roles and willing to take the associated risks, then we might be able to get somewhere instead of people acting like the Cane family.

My role has a splash poison that I can use once. My thought at the start of the round was to get people to one location. My thought was either only mafia wouldn't be there (fearing a trap) and we would know them because of that, or they would be there too (fearing being revealed) and I could poison them with some additional casualties and hope that the poison would kill mafia and one innocent would have a way to save themselves or another person. From the deaths thus far, there were two roles that could have saved another innocent.

On the note of that reference, if forgot turns out to be mafia, then that is a truly complete comparison (with forgot being Sky, that is).
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