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Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Is it really the original start of the new year already? Wow...I don't have a job for much longer :/


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
EDIT to freaks post:
This is the gg phase!
Innocents, this is your final chance to say gg!
Make sure to make the most of it!
I'd love to see them kill you just for fun. You DID reveal them, after all. If not for you, they would have never had to worry.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I disagree :p
(yes I am dead, but I have to make this point)

so, creeper, you are either saying that I would have rounded enough suspicion around yeroc that you would have lost, or are you saying that you guys were always worried that yeroc's skills would fail you?


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
(yes I am dead, but I have to make this point)

so, creeper, you are either saying that I would have rounded enough suspicion around yeroc that you would have lost, or are you saying that you guys were always worried that yeroc's skills would fail you?
Forgot hit the nail on the head in the post above you


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
So, is everybody okay with me ending this phase a few hours earlier (like 2 or 3 depending on how fast I am)?


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
End of Night 5.

"This is it. This is where we are standing. This is the day the Innocents go down."

So thought Cory. He could finally fulfill his non-specifical avenge. Once all Innocents are dead, he could finally travel back to the stages of Ninja Gaiden and become the immortal master of everything.

Now there was only one person standing in his way. Theforgottenuser.

Location: Metal Harbor

Theforgottenuser knew that he was going to die. He just wanted to make the Mafia suffer for a little longer. So he began dancing, in order to summon a storm. That's when a Ninja came in.

"Hello corygolfanatic. I knew right from the start you cannot be trusted."
"So thought I."
"Before you kill me though, tell me one thing. Why have you sided with the Mafia?"
"It's simple. You people call yourselves Innocents, yet you keep playing Ninja Gaiden, you are effectively making me suffer. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND, I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE!

He sliced him into halves. "Hmmmph, let's hope my comrades don't mess it all up."

I_F0rg0t (Theforgottenuser) has been killed! He was the Innocent Weatherman!

you are the Innocent Weatherman. You determine the weather for each phase. Before each phase, send me the weather you wish to use for the phase. Alternatively, you may send a list of a few phases so that I know the weather in advance. The weather will play an instrumental role in this game, so use this power wisely.

-Sunny: Normal. Must be used at least 50% of the time.
-Rain: People stay at their location for an extra phase. Must be used less than 25% of the time.
-Earthquake: Destroys one location. Used once during the game.
-Hurricane: Cuts off power, causing an extra night phase. One location is destroyed. Used once during the game.
-Fire: Destroys a location, kills one person inside and injures all of the others in the location. Used once during the game.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
Location: Block Party

DistinctMadness was sitting on top of a building at Block Party. "It's only a matter of time now. But when they come, I'll be prepared."
Someone did come, eventually. It was CreeperTNTman.
"...So we finally meet."
"Why finally?", asked Distinct.
"Well, this is kinda hard to explain but eh.
Alright, okay, fine. I'll do it.
So you see, there is this kinda eh, parallel universe thing, y'know, and well, that universe's version of DistinctMadness kinda..."
"Kinda what?"
"Kinda blew our server up."
"Oh, so that's fine, and you are making US suffer for his mistakes?"
"That too. But we have mainly been searching for one thing. A java programme that could restore our server and save it from fading into obscurity."
"The server restoration sequence!"
"Exactly. The kinda eh, problem is, that in order to achive this restoration sequence, this version of the server has to be completely eradicated from existence."
"You,... you monster!"
"Monster, me? You should've asked that yourself BEFORE you blew up all our stuff!"

That was when Creeper pulled out a gun. "Fare---"
"Not that fast green man.", Dis said, revealing his own gun.
"Hah, that doesn't change anything!", Creeper said.
Distinct looked to his right. He suddenly noticed Yeroc, who was pointing with HIS gun at his head.

DistinctMadness has been killed! He was the Innocent Granny!

you are the Innocent Granny. You come equipped with a gun. You don't like it when the people call you DistrictMattress. This is what causes your general hate towards people. You will kill any person that checks you with a checking-power at night. Your power is activated automatically.

Win Condition: Eliminate all Mafia.

Good luck.
This is where this story could've been over. The last Innocent has been eliminated.

At least that was what Halex thought.

Location: Termina, 3 Days ago.

Halex was walking around Clock Town. This story is now over, he could live on in peace forever.
Until Zatharel showed up.
"HAAAAA! (Hey Zath old chap, I owe you one!)"
"Yes, yes I know. We totally burned down the Innocents didn't we?"
"But Halex, I have recently found out that you haven't been quite... honest with us regarding your real motivations."
"It should've been obvious from the point on you have been revived. I knew that a legenday hero like you wouldn't side with the Mafia that easily. That's why we have generously decided that you shall be taken care of."

Halex backed off quickly. He ran outside the south gate, whistled something on his ocarina, when his horse, Epona appeared.
"HIYA! (C'mon, let's GTFO of here.)"
While he was riding though, something appeared in front of him. It was a statue of BEN.
"Haaa!", he shouted, as he fell off his horse.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?", said Zath, who appeared over him.

Halex44 has been killed! He was still Link, the Independant Townie. However, because I haven't been quite honest before, here is his FULL role PM:

you have been assigned a special role in this game! You are Link from the Legend of Zelda series, the Independant Townie. Yes, you heard right. You just came back from a long-ish trip to the land of Termina, and you seem to have forgotten your shield and sword there. Your task is to find the location of Termina (one of the locations in this game) before the Dawn of the 4th Day. After you have done so, you may receive a special power. However, if you fail to visit Termina, you may stay powerless for the rest of the game.

Win Condition: Survive until the end of the game and win with the Innocents.

Good luck.
You have found your Sword and your Shield. You are now Link, the Independant Vigililante/Auto-Reviver.

You now have a one shot vigilante power, allowing you to kill one person. You also now come equipped with a fairy that will allow you to be ALIVE the night after you have been killed.

One problem though. You may only use one of these powers. Should you so desire to kill a person, you will lose your revive power. Same goes the other way around, so use this power wisely.
Location: TNT spawn ruins

The remaining players gathered around what used to be the TNT spawn. Cory, Yeroc, Zath and Creeper.

Cory however, had another destination.
"I now have a certain destiny to meet. May we meet again!", he said, walking off into the horizon and disappearing.

Zath, Creeper and Yeroc were looking around. There was only one thing left to do. They knew this was a one way trip, anyways.

They looked at X for one last time, when Creeper got a few packages he knew were laying around under the hall of fame. It was C4. Enough to blow up an entire server. Now that there was nobody around to disarm it anymore, they swiftly got it out, and initiated the countdown.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."
"It has been a pleasure to work with you!", said Creeper.
"4, 3, 2, 1..."




The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
View attachment 505

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe...

A Java console popped up.
"Server restoration sequence initiated.


Server resetted!"

Everyone on the server was watching in fear as Distinct picked up the Potion of Harming.
"Ha! Don't worry guys. I don't even want to blow up this server!", he said, throwing it off into the ocean.
"Oh jesus, I wonder what would've happened if you dropped that...", said Yeroc.
That, my friends, concludes this side story. It has been a wild ride, so here are the prominent actors!


Corygolfanatic as Ryu Hayabusa, the Independant Ninja/Vigilante, from the Ninja Gaiden series!

you have been assigned a special role in this game! You are Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden series, the Independant Ninja/Vigilante. Because you are good at hiding, you will appear as Innocent on Cop checks. You come equipped with a sword. You have the power to kill one person in the game at night. However, after you have done so, you will appear as Mafia on cop checks, so use this power wisely. Your Ninja powers that you have gained by completing the utterly hard levels of Ninja Gaiden allow you to track and watch one player each night, telling you where that person is, and who is currently visiting him/her.

Win Condition: Survive until the end of the game.

Good luck.
Yeroc424, as the Mafia Cop/Doctor!

you have been assigned the task of being the Mafia Cop/Doctor. Every night, you can check a player and receive their role and alignment. Additionally, you may cure the status ailments of anyone, including yourself each night.

Win Condition: Equal or outnumber the other players.

Good luck.
Zatharel, as the Mafia Roleblocker/Fairy/Yakuza!

you have joined the scum team this time. You are the Mafia Roleblocker/Fairy/Yakuza. Once each night, you have the power to block one's role, OR to use your fairy powers, that will guarantee that someone's night action will succeed no matter what. Should you be killed at any point in the game, your Yakuza powers will convert one random person to the Mafia team, taking your spot, but not your powers.

Win Condition: Equal or Outnumber the other players.

Good luck.
And last but not least: CreeperTNTman98 as the Mafia Godfather/Bulletproof!

you have the beautiful assignment of being the Mafia Godfather/Bulletproof. As the Godfather your task of course is to bring chaos and anarchy to the server. Each night you and your Mafia comrades will have to select who is to be killed and who is sent to do the kill. You, however, always have the final say on who is killed. Should one member of the Mafia not post an role at night, you may take control of that player and tell me on who he has to excute his power on. You show up as Innocent on Cop checks.On the first attempt on your life, nothing will happen, although you may no longer show up as Innocent on cop checks, but rather as Mafia. The second attempt on your life will succeed though.

Win Condition: Equal or Outnumber the other players.

Good luck.
That folks, has been Minr Mafia 6 for you. I hope it has been as fun to play as it has been to host. I would certainly like to do another game in the future. I will post my thoughts on this game and more later.

Until then. Cya!

The Mafia has won the game!

Corygolfanatic has also won the game!

The End.

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